I have always made fun of the people who were crazily running to the grocery store the night before Thanksgiving (*gulp* maybe the morning of Thanksgiving?)
I have always been a “prepared” person. I’m the quintessential “Type A”: I make lists, I check them twice, I’m (typically) very organized – generally speaking, things do not “catch me off guard”. (I usually grocery shop for Thanksgiving at least a full week before – maybe two.)
But this year? I don’t know what happened to my brain this year – but WAIT, IT’S THANKSGIVING ALREADY?! (Thankfully, I wasn’t one of those people going to the grocery store yesterday or this morning, but phew, let’s just say I cut it way closer than I ever have before!)
Needless to say, I’ve been trying really hard all week to truly wrap my brain around the fact that it is already Thanksgiving, that Leander’s birthday is right around the corner (his birthday party is this weekend!), and Christmas will be here before we know it.
My children are growing way too fast and this will be the only Thanksgiving they are 7 years old and 3 years old for. (Okay, pass the tissues, my Mama-heart can’t handle these thoughts.) They change and grow so much so fast – I just want to make time stop and gobble all of their sweetness up.
We took the week “off” from our normal school stuff and just did fun Thanksgiving stuff this week.
We read about the Pilgrims, watched a few videos about the first Thanksgiving, made some crafts, and talked about what we were thankful for. It’s been a delightful reminder to slow down, re-center my (frazzled) brain, and take a few deep breaths.
I truly am blessed beyond words.
It’s so easy to lose sight of that in the hustle of life (and boy, are we hustling hard these days). But this whole Thanksgiving week has been an excellent reminder that yes, we can work hard, but we can also have thankful, grateful, centered-on-what’s-most-important hearts.
And, because what is a post without photos? Here are a few of the family photos that my sister (and favorite photographer) Ellen took of us a few weeks ago (I’m obsessed with them!)
If you’d like to take a trip down memory lane, check out the last few year’s Thanksgiving posts where I highlight our family’s photos that Ellen has taken for us (maybe grab some tissues first – how are my babies growing so fast?!)
2021’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2021/
2020’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2020/
2019’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2019/
2018’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2018/
2017’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2017/
And 2016’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2016/
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
[…] post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2022/2021’s post: https://www.karaabbey.com/happy-thanksgiving-2021/2020’s post: […]