>> Okay, so if this post seems a little out of character, it kinda is.
If you only know me as a wedding & engagement photographer, and really haven’t followed along with anything else I’ve posted in the last year, this post may seem a bit out of left field.
IF, however, you HAVE followed along with me & my family over the last year & you’ve seen some of the YouTube videos & vlogs I’ve created – well, then this might not be such a weird or random post after all.
In fact, I’ve been hinting at some changes coming down the pipe & a new business idea that I’ve been playing with for a few months now. And this post is just a teeny tiny sneak peek into what I’ve been working on in the shadows.
Launching a brand new business is terrifying and I’m still not ready to 100% toss this baby out into the world – but I am super-duper close.
I’ve been putting together a few videos which will act as tips & tricks for when I do launch, and today, I decided to let you in on the secret & give you just a peek behind the curtain!
Stay tuned! SO MANY FUN THINGS are coming!! <<
Sometimes it’s just so much easier & simpler & more effective to SHOW an answer, rather than try to use words to explain it.
And that’s definitely the case when it comes to answering the question: What is B-Roll?
Whenever a family is prepping to head out on vacation & they know they are going to send their videos & photos to us to curate into a beautiful legacy film – we send them a bunch of tips & tricks so that they are fired up & excited with ideas.
One of the tips we share is to not just take videos of the people – but take some “B-Roll” as well. This short video will explain (and show some examples) of exactly what we mean.
\ Abbey Family Documentaries – Curated Legacy Films