serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Tyler & Rachel // Norwin Elks Lodge Wedding in Irwin, PA

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Rachel & Tyler’s story could easily be scripted into the most romantic of movies. Tell me that I’m wrong:

Having served his country, Tyler came home to the Pittsburgh, PA area. He got a job, his own place & settled into living the American Dream. Little did he know that his life was about to change, dramatically.

It all started with someone stealing his car. With his only transportation left being his motorcycle, he ran out after work one night to grab some lunch meat for his lunch the next day. On his way up to WalMart, a deer collided with him & sent him & his bike in opposite directions. Tyler was knocked unconscious & an unknown time later, was found by a police officer who was driving by. He was immediately rushed to the hospital where reconstructive surgery was started in order to save his foot & leg – as the only thing holding the two together was his Achilles Tendon.

As if that whole situation wasn’t quite crazy enough, while he was on the operating table, his spleen ruptured. The stomach surgeon was “technically” off that day, but “just happened” to be in his office as the hospital staff were ferociously trying to get a hold of him. He saved Tyler’s life that night.

Waking up the next morning dawned a whole new existence for Tyler. Not only was he facing strict no-moving orders in order for his foot & leg to heal, but he also had, what he calls, a zipper in his stomach. For weeks, he laid in his hospital bed, and when finally given the green light to go home, he went back to live with his parents. Not able to work, and still not given permission to move much further than sitting up, he relied on his parents & family for everything.

Going slightly (okay, overly) stir-crazy, he began begging people to come to visit him. His cousin organized a list of people (mostly her own friends) who would come & visit Tyler to help keep him company on a regular basis.

Enter Rachel.

She was acquainted with Tyler – enough to answer his cousin’s cry for visitors – but not quite enough to have come to visit him on her own. That fateful afternoon, she came over & the rest is history. She was by his side as he continued to recover, as he regained his strength, and as he learned to walk again. It was a long road, but a road that suddenly seemed so much brighter & more walkable with Rachel by his side.

Fast forward to today – you’d never know that Tyler was in a life-threatening motorcycle accident. The only evidence of that season of his life is the beautiful woman by his side, that as of this past Saturday, is his wife.

Just in case you weren’t aware, it rained on Saturday. And when I say “rained” – I mean it rained. All day long. In fact, over the course of Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday, they say we got between 4-6” of rain. Tyler & Rachel had planned an outdoor reception, complete with dancing under the stars, lawn games, and plenty of space for their guests to spread out & enjoy the evening. The rain had other plans though. It wasn’t ideal, but it was definitely a beautiful thing to watch. Whenever it rains on a wedding day, the possibility for the pessimistic side of people to overtake everything really comes out. But that was not the case on Saturday. Everyone, from Rachel & Tyler’s immediate family & bridal party, to their friends & family who traveled from all over the world, pitched in to help each other, and make the day as perfect as possible for Rachel & Tyler.

It may not have been the golden, summer evening that everyone had envisioned, but I think the end result – rain & all – made things so much more memorable!

Rachel & Tyler – I don’t think you both needed a rainy wedding day to solidify your good luck & marriage, but the bottom line is: if you can handle your wedding day dreams being completely changed around & shifted from what you were envisioning with all the grace & poise that you did – you’ll be able to withstand any storm that life decides to throw your way. Derrick & I thoroughly enjoyed every single moment of hanging out with you both on Saturday & know that the future holds many more sunny days than rainy ones for you both!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Rachel got ready at home and her & Tyler’s trusty pup Tucker was faithfully by her side!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Rachel & Tyler had exchanged handwritten love notes & gifts to be opened while they were getting ready – such a sweet moment!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PA

LOVE Tyler looking back at his wife!

Rainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PA

Since it was raining outside, we took our time inside & grabbed a few photos of the entire bridal party together before heading out into the rain!

Rainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Ceremony at Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Transportation by Elite Coach & Limousine in Murrysville, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PA

I had been watching the radar all day long and even tho the forecast originally predicted that we would have a window of no-rain after the ceremony, those darn weathermen were wrong once again. Umbrellas for the win!

Rainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PARainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PA

Rainy Summer Wedding Portraits at Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PA

When we arrived at the Norwin Elks Lodge, we realized that there was a small covered porch area that we could use for some last few portraits (without the umbrellas) – it was absolutely perfect!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

LOVE this shot of the 4 sisters!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Since Rachel’s heritage is Persian, there were a lot of really awesome nods to the Persian culture – one of which was this amazing table! Each item is symbolic & has special meaning – it was absolutely gorgeous!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Rachel’s Dad surprised her with this penguin ice sculpture – you could say it was a huge hit!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

As Rachel & Tyler were introduced into the reception – Rachel’s Grandma & Aunt showered the newlyweds with confetti! It really took the party atmosphere up a notch!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Rachel’s Dad gave the best Father of the Bride Welcome Speech I have ever heard. He had everyone in tears, then in fits of laughter, it was truly epic.

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

And toward the end of his speech, he dropped a huge surprise on Rachel & Tyler – when he gave Tyler a motorcycle (their reactions are absolutely priceless)!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

So, like I mentioned before: the rain really changed around so many of Rachel & Tyler’s plans. See the lit tent in the background of this photo? That was supposed to be the dance floor. There were several problems with that though: not only was the tent leaking, but you had to walk through the downpouring rain to get to it. The decision was made to create a dance floor in the main tent. And this is where the magic happened! So many of Rachel & Tyler’s friends & family jumped right in to clearing off tables, folding up chairs, and hauling everything out of the way. Before anyone knew it, a dance floor had been created!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Tyler danced with his Mom first (can we just all agree that her dress was the most stunning thing ever?!) and then Rachel & her Dad surprised everyone with a choreographed Father-Daughter dance!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

From there on out, the DJ officially opened up the dance floor & it was packed for the rest of the evening.

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

My favorite part was getting to witness the Persian Knife Dance! Rachel & Tyler had told me about it & I was so excited to see how it all played out – let’s just say it did not disappoint!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PARainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

And, of course, we had to end the night with an epic rain shot! I dare you to say that rain on a wedding day can’t be beautiful!

Rainy Summer Wedding at the Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA

Huge shout-out and thank you to the amazing team of vendors, as well as friends & family, who helped make Tyler & Rachel’s wedding day absolutely perfect!

Ceremony Venue: Living Word Congregational Church in Jeannette, PA
Reception Venue: Norwin Elks Lodge in Irwin, PA
Tent & Rentals: Party Savvy in Monroeville, PA
Catering: Jaden’s Catering in Monroeville, PA
Cake Bakery: Jennuine Cakes & Cafe in Murrysville, PA
Invitations: Lindsey Yowan (maid of honor)
Hair & Makeup: Beauty by Tyler Swalga in Irwin, PA & Jen Pearson in Irwin, PA
Bridal Gown Retailer: MB Bride in Greensburg, PA
Bridesmaids Gowns Retailer: David’s Bridal in Monroeville, PA
Groom & Groomsmen Attire: Men’s Wearhouse
Florist: Curly Willow in Greensburg, PA
Engagement Ring Designer: James Douglas Jewelers in Monroeville, PA
His Wedding Band Designer: Casa D’Oro Jewelers in Pittsburgh, PA
Transportation: Elite Coach Limousine & Transportation in Murrysville, PA
DJ: Jammin’ Entertainment – DJ Jason Rullo in Pittsburgh, PA
Videographer: Wiley Wedding Films in Pittsburgh, PA
Photographer: Kara Abbey Photography in Irwin, PA

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

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•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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