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The Adventuring Abbeys Highlights – 2023 Best of the Best

The Best of the Best 2023 Vlog The Adventuring Abbeys

2023 was the most INCREDIBLE year for our family.
We visited a total of 19 different amusement parks and 5 water parks across 9 different states. We took our children on an airplane for the first time ever (spoiler alert: they LOVED it!) and we can now check the state of “Arizona” off our list of newly visited states.

I will never take for granted the adventures we go on as a family. To think that once upon a time, this all started with Derrick and I meeting – and one of his first questions to me being: “Do you like roller coasters?”
And here we are 16+ years later, traveling the country to ride those roller coasters & creating content for  @XscreamThrills .

We travel more than your average “Joe”, so I also have to say how immensely thankful I am for a brilliant husband, who manages our travels like it’s his job (well, I guess it kind of is.) He is so well-researched in how to save us money, how to utilize credit card points to book us free hotel rooms, and is always keeping an eye on annual passes at parks to get us the very best deals for our upcoming travels. We literally would not be able to do what we do without his knowledge and expertise! Traveling is EXPENSIVE – yet we’ve learned so much about how to save money & travel within our household budget. (We NEVER go into debt on our adventures!)

Just putting this highlight film together filled my heart with so much gratitude that we can take our kids and have so much FUN as a family. We truly have the best times and we love every moment that we spend TOGETHER.

If you’d like to see the previous years’ highlight films, they are here:
• 2022 Highlights:
• 2021 Highlights:
• 2020 Highlights:

The clips I pulled for this year’s highlight video are my MOST favorite moments from 2023 – but of course, this overview is just the tip of the iceberg! If you can’t get enough & want to see more of our adventures are specific parks, go check out The Adventuring Abbeys Playlist.

If you’d like to see MORE of the videos I created documenting our family’s adventures in 2023, hop on over to my YouTube channel – here!

As amazing as 2023 was, we are excited & looking forward to 2024! Where do you think we’ll go next?

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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