Ahh November – the month of thankfulness.
We have SO much to be thankful for!!
Our family is so incredibly blessed – and it’s as simple as watching this video to see why.
Honestly, it’s one of the reasons I’ve been so captivated with this notion of creating monthly family videos with our memories – because as good & blessed as our life is, it’s still hard. Our days still have tough moments, the kids fight, things don’t go as planned, and life throws unexpected curve balls. But overall? Life is still really really good. And these monthly videos are the perfect proof of that.
Whenever I’m feeling down because of circumstances around me – these videos are the perfect pick-me-up & they tell the true story of our lives. They bring back so many memories & stories & good feelings – and that’s what makes this project so 100% worth it.
Moments of note this month:
(0:09) Yep, we put up our Christmas tree at the beginning of November – no ornaments until after Leander’s birthday, but we just love the glow (especially after Daylight Savings Time ends & it gets dark so early!)
(0:29) Braelynn watched Wall-E, can you tell?
(0:58) Abby makes herself comfy on our couch
(2:01) More marker shenanigans by Leander
(3:00) Leander LOVES ranch dressing!
(3:42) Braelynn decorated the spindles going up our steps while I was on the phone with a wedding client
(3:56) Braelynn’s been watching too much YouTube lately, can you tell?
(4:55) Downtown Irwin’s Light Up Norwin Parade!
(8:05) We spent Thanksgiving with Papa & Nana (including a visit to their gym’s pool!)
(9:46) Leander started potty training!
We did visit Kennywood (twice actually) in the month of November – they kicked off their Holiday Lights Christmas event & we LOVE it! It’s cold, but we don’t care – you can see a snippet of our second visit at the end of this video – watch the highlights of our first visit (during passholder preview night) here: https://youtu.be/IxV8fjKRIig
Just in case you missed what I’m doing – I decided that I wanted to create a curated “home video” for our family every month (remember those old “home movies” our families used to create? with the giant video recorders that an entire VHS tape fit in?) Those videos were fantastic, but if you’ve ever sat down to watch one (does anyone even own a VHS player anymore?) you very quickly realize that you do a lot of “fast-forwarding”.
So, my goal, is to take all the little videos I take of our family over the course of a month & create a short (my goal is to be around 10 minutes – I used to say 5, but let’s be realistic here!) video of my favorite snippets. I am SO excited to finally have a dedicated place to chronicle my family videos & keep them safe & accessible.
Enjoy a little peek into what our November looked like!
PS: don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel while you’re at it!