Let’s just say: after making a “highlights of February” video for our family – I have been anxiously awaiting the end of March so I can create our March video!!
And, maybe it was just me, but March seemed to stretch on forever.
Maybe it’s just because, compared to the month of February, March is so much longer.
Or, maybe it’s because March delivered a round of very mild chicken pox for Braelynn. (In other words: our March of 2021 looked eerily similar to our March of 2020). Thankfully, Leander never caught those silly “chicken pops” (as Braelynn called them), but we still quarantined for 21 days, just to be safe. Her case was super-duper mild – I bet if I didn’t mention it, you’d never be able to tell!
Otherwise! The month of March arrived in south western Pennsylvania with a string of GLORIOUS spring weather! We spent so much time outside – it’s been good for our souls. I didn’t even realize how much time we spent outside until I was going thru the videos I took – 75% of them are of us, outside! Braelynn & Leander would live outside if I let them – which just bring my gratitude to a whole new level that we bought this house, with it’s big, fenced in backyard, 5 1/2 years ago!
Just in case you missed what I’m doing – I decided that I wanted to create a curated “home video” for our family every month (remember those old “home movies” our families used to create? with the giant video recorders that an entire VHS tape fit in?) Those videos were fantastic, but if you’ve ever sat down to watch one (does anyone even own a VHS player anymore?), you very quickly realize that you do a lot of “fast-forwarding”.
So, my goal, in this, is to take all the little videos I take of our family over the course of a month & create a short (my goal is less than 5 minutes long!) video of my favorite snippets. (The only reason this month’s video is technically over 5 minutes long is because of the end screen at the end – otherwise, I kept to my goal!)
Enjoy a tiny little peek into what our March looked like!
If you’d like to follow along with my video-journey, hop over & subscribe to my YouTube channel! That’s where I post our amusement park vlogs, some wedding videos, and our monthly highlights!