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Tag Archives: vlog

Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH | The Adventuring Abbeys Vlog

When you’re married to a roller coaster enthusiast who’s birthday is in prime-roller-coaster-riding-season, you can bet your bottom dollar that we go ride roller coasters for Derrick’s birthday. We’ve gone to Silver Dollar City and Hersheypark to celebrate Derrick’s big day, but in 2023, we went to “The Roller Coaster Capital of the World” –...

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Spring Vacation Highlights FAMILY VLOG 2023 | The Adventuring Abbeys Vlog

Sometimes, we plan trips out months in advance (like when we went to Florida in 2022 or Arizona in 2023), and then sometimes, we plan things a bit more sporadically – which was the case with this trip. We had been tossing around the idea of a spring vacation for a while, but we just...

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Busch Gardens in Tampa, FL | The Adventuring Abbeys Vlog

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay was the last stop on our grand spring vacation of 2023 (yes, over a year ago at this point – my blog is a bit behind). And unfortunately, that’s where the rain and storms caught up with us. We kicked off our day on Busch Gardens property with a visit to...

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Riding Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point | The Adventuring Abbeys Vlog

This still feels like a dream. The fact that on Thursday, Derrick and I got in our car and drove 3 hours out to Sandusky, Ohio for Cedar Point’s last passholder preview event for Top Thrill 2 – how did that even happen?! The night was perfect in every way – gorgeous weather, an electric...

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Adventure Island Waterpark in Tampa, FL | The Adventuring Abbeys Vlog

We’ve been to Busch Gardens Tampa a handful of times now, but never visited their waterpark, so on our most recent trip to Florida, we remedied that with a stop in to check out Adventure Island in Tampa, Florida! We were super impressed with this waterpark! It’s a great size, has tons of variety, and...

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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