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Tag Archives: Snow

Ellen & Jonathan | Winter Snowy Wedding Portraits in White Oak, PA

Do you remember what the weather was like on January 21, 2017?(I’d bet my last buttons the answer is ‘no’ – most people can’t remember what the weather was like yesterday, let alone on a specific day 8 years ago!) You might take an “educated” guess and say: “Since it was the end of January,...

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Abby’s Saturday // Three Hundred And Eighty-Seven

We got a BIG snow storm this week! It was bigger than the initial snow we got to kick off the year, but still not as big as we were hoping. (Why do they always predict more snow than we ever get?)Sunday night going into Monday, we got a total of about 6-7″ of snow...

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Abby’s Saturday // Three Hundred And Eighty-Five

Hey guess what? It finally snowed!!Typically, we get some snow in December (although rarely at Christmas), and last year (meaning, 2020) was no exception. In fact, we got multiple snow-storms leading up to Christmas 2020 (evidenced by all of the photos popping up on our Echo from “one year ago”).But this winter? No snow. In...

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Abby’s Saturday // Three Hundred And Forty-Eight

Today is Derrick & I’s 11th wedding anniversary! I truly am not sure how we’ve been married for 11 years, but here we are! I won’t let all my romantic sap drip all over this post – I did that last night (so click back here if you missed that!)If you’d like to take a...

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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