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Tag Archives: Abby’s Saturday

Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Eighty-Five

First off – can we just talk about the insane weather we’ve had this week? We have literally experienced every single season over the course of the last few days – what a wild ride! Last Sunday, we woke up to about 2″ of snow on the ground. It was the best snow we’ve had...

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Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Eighty-Four

It’s Groundhog Day tomorrow! So, the big question is: what will Phil predict? If he sees his shadow, it’s said that we’ll have 6 more weeks of winter, but no shadow means an early spring. Seeing as how we haven’t really had a true “winter” yet, I’d be okay with 6 more weeks of winter...

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Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Eighty-Three

Today is Braelynn’s 5th birthday!! Say, what?! And we’re celebrating with a big PAW Patrol themed birthday party!! She has been counting down the days until her birthday since Christmas & the big day is finally here – I can hardly believe it! Stay tuned: I’ll post more about her party (which is happening in...

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Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Eighty-Two

XscreamThrills has some new help in the studio this week – creating YouTube content is hard work! Well, I’m doing it! I’m declaring Leander an official “walker” this week! He’s been taking one step here & there since Christmas, but this week is the week that it all has seemed to come together! Last week...

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Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Eighty-One

This is what 71º looks like on January 11, 2020! I had really wanted to take this particular photo back at the end of summer – when we first got our marvelous swing set (if you missed that story, go back & read it here – it’s a good one). But, things got in the...

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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