We’re quickly moving into a new season of life in the Abbey household.
Not only is the season of autumn upon us, but within a matter of days we will be closing on our new house, digging into a bunch of home renovation projects, and moving in! It’s exciting, daunting, scary, overwhelming, and amazing all at the same time.
When we first began talking about moving back to the Pittsburgh area, 2 years ago, we never dreamed it would be such a long process. When we finally set the ball in motion last summer & put that “for sale” sign in the front yard of our first home, we had no idea what moving had in store. When we packed all of our extra clothes, dishes, spare shampoos, office supplies, and decorations into boxes, we had no idea how long they would stay in storage. When we walked through our empty house and cried, we had no idea how much time would pass before we would walk through the doors of our new house. When we moved into my parent’s house & took over the back 2 bedrooms, we had no idea that we would be displacing 3 of my siblings for over a year. We had no clue what the last 12 months had in store for us.
Derrick warned me when we moved, that it was entirely possible to end up living with my parents for 6-12 months, maybe even longer. I said that was fine, but it would never be that long. We were about to have a baby & I couldn’t imagine bringing a baby home to a bedroom in my parent’s house instead of my own home [now I can’t imagine bringing a baby home & being anywhere else!]
And here we are – 12 months & 1 day since we moved out of our first house.
It has been amazing – after living across the state from my family for 5 years & only seeing them for a weekend every 6 weeks or so, to suddenly be back home, living with them. Part of me wishes we could stay here forever. And part of me can’t wait to have my own space again. It will be so amazing to live only 5 minutes away!
So, lots of exciting things in the coming weeks & months in the Abbey house!
Stay tuned!