Maybe it’s a sign of my age (oy, did I even just write that?) but as the days go by, the more & more I desire to print my images. I want to see them off of a computer screen & on something tangible that I can hold & treasure. I wrote about creating a family yearbook from our year 2019 & especially after receiving that finished product in the mail – I am simply obsessed with printing my photos.
So, you can only imagine my sheer delight when I have the privilege of creating a wedding album!
A few months after Tyler & Danielle’s wedding at Linden Hall last fall, they contacted me & said, “We’re ready! Let’s create an album together!” We went thru the steps of choosing images that told the complete story of their day, designing each spread to be laid out just right, and selecting a leather cover & what they wanted stamped on the front. From start to finish – the entire process took about 3 weeks. Finally, after the last step of painstakingly going thru every single image with a fine-tooth-comb (it’s incredible how many “little” things I can find to edit out of an image when I blow it up to 500%! Images that are printed in an album deserve to be absolutely perfect though – so they get the white-glove treatment!) I sent it off to my album company to be printed.
The hardest part is the waiting – waiting for my album company to print & create by hand this beautiful work of art album – and then waiting for it to be delivered to me! I always have my wedding albums delivered to me first – I have never had an issue yet, but just in case something happens, I want to make sure that the album is absolutely perfect before delivering it to my couple!
AND – since Tyler & Danielle don’t live too far away from me – I was able to deliver their album in person!! I don’t get to do that very often, but when I can – it’s my absolute favorite!
Of course – I couldn’t let it go without taking a few photos of their book first! They choose a beautiful pearlescent blue for their leather cover (which I am absolutely obsessed with!) Their book is a stunning 10″x10″ & has 17 spreads – see for yourself just how gorgeous it turned out!
If I’ve photographed your wedding and you have had every intention of ordering a wedding album, but have just kept putting it off (or forgetting) – why not send me a quick message right now & we’ll get the process started? It’s so much fun & you can have one of these incredible books as a part of your family history in a matter of weeks!