Preface: If you’ve missed any of the “chapters” of our love story so far, go back & get caught up before continuing below!
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9 — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13 — Part 14 — Part 15 — Part 16 — Part 17 — Part 18 — Part 19 — Part 20 — Part 21 — Part 22 — Part 23 — Part 24
I flew back to Florida for the last time. With only 6 weeks left to my Disney College Program, I arrived refreshed and ready to enjoy the last of my time away from home. What I didn’t realize was just how fast those last 6 weeks would fly by.
The first week of July presented a fun, new opportunity that I simply could not pass up. While Magic Kingdom had a fireworks display that happened every single night (“Wishes”), around the 4th of July, they exchanged “Wishes” for an Independence Day program. Additionally, Hollywood Studios would also have a fireworks display – I had never seen fireworks at Hollywood Studios before! I planned my time carefully so I could visit & photograph both parks and since the waterparks closed down at sunset – I had plenty of time to change & get myself set up in each park before their fireworks show began. I knew the parks would be busy, but the Main Streets of both parks were absolutely packed each night. Thankfully, I was just one person with my camera, so I could basically squeeze in anywhere – it was an experience I’ll never forget.
Shortly after the 4th of July – my suitemates & I really began to truly connect. We started hanging out with one another on a regular basis & became really close. My roommate (Kellie) introduced us to an apartment of guys who lived a few buildings away from us & we all bonded instantly. Suddenly my days went from spending most of my time alone & wishing to go home, to being full to the brim. We all coordinated our schedules as best as we could to spend as much time together as possible.
We drove out to the beach several times, spent hours at the pool, and gallivanted all around the Walt Disney World Resort (and visited each other working). We played endless rounds of Monopoly & Guitar Hero, watched a ton of movies, and were constantly eating (we were determined to try every restaurant we’d been meaning to try & hadn’t gotten around to while we were in Florida). We even attempted to drive out & watch the space shuttle launch, but as we were sitting on the side of the road (along with hundreds of other people), we got the word that the launch had been canceled at the last moment.
As July bled into August, I suddenly found myself not wanting my time in Florida to end (again). The fun had come back – and it was all thanks to the friendships I had found in my roommates.
The possibility of extending my program one more time was an option – I could stay thru January & complete one full year at Walt Disney World, but deep down I knew that I needed to go home. After all, I knew I couldn’t go thru another round of close friends leaving & having to start completely over from scratch again. I missed Derrick, I missed my family – and as much as I didn’t want the fun to end – I knew that it was almost time to say goodbye.
We agreed to squeeze every single drop out of our last days at Disney.
One of those “drops” included a trip to Typhoon Lagoon. After working there for 3 months, I had yet to actually go to the waterpark as a “guest”. So, my roommate Kellie & I went together on a mutual day off that we had. We rode all of the slides, including the water coaster Crush’N’Gusher (where I had almost passed out just a few weeks before). We went over to say hello to the shark-experience team & they were so sweet to let us take a swim (off the books). And then we headed over to the wave pool. Typhoon Lagoon’s wave pool was one of the largest in the world (at the time) and every 90-seconds it pushed out a 6-foot high wave. The wave pool is so large & the waves it produces so powerful – they actually teach surf lessons there before the park opens. I had stood knee deep in that wave pool dozens of times, but I had never gone in further than that – so I was excited to wade in, without a camera in my hands, and have the freedom to experience all that the wave pool had to offer.
Kellie & I went running in. We caught a wave about half-way out, and then continued swimming out further. Our plan was to swim all the way to the end of the wave pool in order to catch the wave as it was being pushed out & ride it all the way back to “shore”. I had seen other people do it & I wanted to give it a try.
There was just one problem: as we got separated in the giant pool, I began to slightly panic. I had lost track of how much time had passed, and I knew that any moment, that giant wave was going to be released out. And, I wasn’t as far into the pool as I wanted to be. Me & water – we aren’t the best of friends & suddenly I found myself in a very bad place.
I began to freak out. I was out in the 8-foot-deep range, so it wasn’t like I could just put my feet down & catch my breath – I had to keep treading water. I was frozen in place – I couldn’t swim out any further to catch up with Kellie, and I couldn’t turn around & swim for shore. I was struggling to tread water & breathe & that’s when I heard the roar of the wave being released.
For an instant, I was relieved: the wave would push me toward the shallower end of the pool & I would be able to catch my breath. But then I looked around & realized, I was in the absolute worst spot in the pool. The wave would crest & come crashing down – right on top of me.
I watched, wide-eyed in fear as the wave built-up & suddenly I was being slammed to the bottom of the pool by 80,000 gallons of water. Lungs screaming for air, I pushed my way back up to the top. The wave had succeeded in pushing me – but not back toward the shallow end of the pool – just straight down. I came up exactly where I had been – still unable to catch my breath, and still panicking.
My breath came in shallow spurts. I had gotten a ton of water up my nose & inhaled some when the wave hit me. I was struggling to continue keeping my head above water. I glanced up at the lifeguard, and in that instant I knew – she was going to have to jump in & save me, or else, I was going to drown.
I turned back toward the entrance of the pool & forced my arms & legs to propel me in that direction. I had watched lifeguards blow their whistles, push their emergency stop buttons, & jump into this wave pool many times, and I did not want to be the reason it happened again. A few painfully long seconds later, my toes scraped the bottom of the pool & I was able to stand up. I wanted to just stand there – to allow myself to breathe again & calm my pounding heart, but I kept on pushing. Finally, I found myself where the water was just inches deep, and that’s where I gave up. I had no idea where Kellie was & at this point, I truly didn’t care. I sat there, at the edge of the pool, hugging my knees & catching my breath. I had just lived thru the longest & scariest 2 minutes of my entire life.
Poor Kellie – she had no idea that all this had happened. Eventually, she found me, sitting there at the edge of the pool. By that point, I had regained my composure, but there was no way I was swimming back out into the wave pool. I was done.
We all attended our second Disney College Program graduation – but this time, it was real. With just a few days left in Florida, we all gave our remaining shifts away & spent every waking moment together. On our last night all together, we went to Beaches & Cream for a legendary “Kitchen Sink” & then rode the monorail to Magic Kingdom, where we watched “Wishes” right next to the Partners statue. It was an emotional night for all of us.
Derrick made plans to fly into Orlando International Airport on August 14th to help drive me home. Since I had driven my car down to Florida, I needed to drive my car home & I was so thankful that he was coming to help me with that long drive. I was so thankful that I had brought my car – not only did it provide total freedom while I was living in Florida, but I had no idea how I would have ever packed everything I’d acquired into luggage to fly home. As it was, I was nervous about packing all of my stuff into my car!
In the weeks leading up to mid-August, I had heard about a new offering at Magic Kingdom. You could make reservations to have dessert on a private patio, while having a piece of prime, exclusive real estate to watch “Wishes”. I couldn’t dream of a better way to spend my last night at Disney, so I attempted to make reservations for Derrick & I. Unfortunately, it was completely sold out. Disappointed, instead I just made us reservations to have dinner at the Crystal Ballroom.
As the sun set on August 13th, my roommates & I found ourselves packing up our little apartment. We helped each other cram everything into bags & suitcases & then loaded that luggage into my car. We stayed up all night long, looking at pictures we’d taken, telling stories of our program, and reminiscing together of the amazing journey we’d just completed. Before the sun came up on August 14th, I drove my roommates out to Orlando International Airport where we said, “Goodbye”. It was heart-breaking & we all cried our eyes out.
With an empty car, I drove back to Vista Way & pulled thru the security gate one last time. Our apartment was completely empty now except for all of my stuff that was piled by the door. I carefully loaded my car (celebrating when everything just fit) and then said goodbye to my home in Florida for the last 8 months. As I pulled out of the gate for the very last time, I sobbed. I couldn’t believe that my time in Florida was over. I had learned so much, grown into a new person, and had the time of my life.
Thru bloodshot, swollen eyes, I drove back out to Orlando International Airport. The one bright spot to the entire day was that Derrick was coming. And as I pulled into the airport – being careful this time to follow the signs to the “flights incoming” ramp, I composed myself. I had one more day at Disney & I was going to enjoy it – this time, with my best friend.
The day flew by in a blur. We had decided to spend the first few hours of our day at Sea World Orlando so that Derrick could ride Manta (the new flying coaster there) and we would finish out our day at Magic Kingdom. Since my program had officially ended on August 13th, I could no longer just waltz into the parks whenever I wanted. Thankfully, one of my amazing managers from my days at the Emporium, agreed to let Derrick & I in as his guests.
We rode my favorite classic rides: Splash Mountain & Thunder Mountain, It’s A Small World & The Haunted Mansion. We had dinner that night at the Crystal Ballroom with Winnie the Pooh & we finished the night watching “Wishes” together. I was an emotional, teary mess (to say the least). I was so happy to see Derrick & have him with me, but so sad to be leaving.
We rode the ferry back out to the parking lot. I wanted to be able to watch the Magic Kingdom fade away. There was just one problem: I had been awake for almost 40 hours at this point & I was exhausted (to say the least). The ferry was packed full of people and we couldn’t find a place to sit – so we stood together in the middle of a sea of people, and I fell asleep standing up, leaning on Derrick.
The 2-hour drive north to Derrick’s cousins’ house felt like the strangest fog I’ve ever been in. I struggled to stay awake & talk to Derrick – because he was tired too. But around the 90-minute mark, I found it impossible to sting a fully coherent sentence together. My words slurred as I tried desperately to stay awake.
We pulled into Annie & Kevin’s driveway & I literally stumbled up to their front door. They greeted us enthusiastically, but I have absolutely no memory of it. Derrick asked Annie where I was sleeping that night, and he steered his incoherent girlfriend into the room. I fell into the bed without pausing to change into my pajamas and instantly passed out.
.Part 26 (the very last “chapter”) coming soon!
[…] moving on to happier topics: I wrote the next to last chapter in Derrick & I’s love story this week – did you read it? Everyone is home & in a state of “quarantine” right now, so now is the […]
[…] Preface: If you’ve missed any of the “chapters” of our love story so far, go back & get caught up before continuing below!Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9 — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13 — Part 14 — Part 15 — Part 16 — Part 17 — Part 18 — Part 19 — Part 20 — Part 21 — Part 22 — Part 23 — Part 24 — Part 25 […]
I have been having problems with My girlfriend, I do love her a lot and do want to get married to her but at times I did feel a little confused about this and has wondered if she has been true to the relationship…until I found out, that she was not being true with me.. she has been seeing her ex-boyfriend I was devastated and did not know what to do, although I still loved her and could not see myself with anyone else, I did not want to lose her and she finally left me for his Ex, i wanted her back by all means to be my wife, i was told about Robinson buckler decided to give it a trial so I contacted him to let him know that I did want to get help with this. With his help, my girlfriend and I worked things out and she came back to me and we are now back together and engaged, I got over the fact that she has cheated on me but sometimes we do need to forget the past and move on to a better future and without Robinson Buckler help I don’t think it would have ever worked out. He is truly an Angel sent from up above! You can contact him via his e-mail: Robinsonbuckler ((@)) yahoo. com…………………