Preface: If you’ve missed any of the “chapters” of our love story so far, go back & get caught up before continuing below!
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9 — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13 — Part 14 — Part 15 — Part 16 — Part 17 — Part 18 — Part 19 — Part 20 — Part 21 — Part 22 — Part 23
It didn’t take long for me to realize that extending my Disney College Program wasn’t as simple as just staying in Florida for a few more months. As the “dust” settled from the whirlwind of starting a new job & moving into a new apartment, I realized that all of the things I loved about working at Disney had changed: my roommates had left, all of my friends from the Emporium were also gone, and I no longer was comfortable & confident in my job. I loved working on the PhotoPass team, but it was new & I struggled to “settle in”. I didn’t mesh right away with my new roommates & suddenly I found myself very alone.
I would send Derrick long emails, wondering if I had done the right thing. I loved my new position as a photographer, but everything else about my experience in Florida felt like I’d landed on a whole new planet. I missed my friends. I missed Derrick. I missed my family.
On the verge of depression (and seriously considering terminating my program & quitting), I bought another plane ticket. After flying for the very first time at the beginning of May, buying another ticket less than a month later was so incredibly easy. Flights out of Orlando were relatively cheap & since my schedule was fairly flexible (someone was always looking to pick up an extra shift or two that I wanted to give away), I decided to plan a quick trip – this time to go home. It had been almost 2 months since I’d last seen my family & I missed them terribly. So, on a whim, I booked a flight home.
I would be home for just 48 hours – a quick in & out – but I would get to see my family & spend the weekend at the Lake House with them (another place I was missing terribly) and I hoped it would give me the energy & mental stamina to complete my time in Florida well.
The only thing missing from my trip would be Derrick.
My trip was so spur of the moment (I literally planned it just days in advance) that Derrick couldn’t work it out to drive across the state to see me. I understood. It was a lot to ask of a boyfriend who literally had no money & was on the brink of moving home simply because things weren’t quite working out in the Philly area.
I was disappointed, but I honestly just needed to get out of Florida & re-focus. I missed my younger siblings hugs, I missed talking to my Mom, and I missed laughing with my Dad – I needed my family more than ever.
As I drove to the airport, I stopped at a red-light right before getting on the highway. My phone rang – it was Derrick.
“Hey! Are you on your way to the airport yet?”
“Of course – you know I like to be early.”
He chuckled on the other end of the line: “Well, I have a surprise for you.”
Curiosity piqued, I asked him what it was.
“Maybe I shouldn’t tell you & just let it be a surprise,” he teased.
I laughed, “Com’on! You have to tell me now that you’ve let the cat out of the bag!” I couldn’t help but smile – I knew how Derrick was with surprises, he would never be able to not tell me!
“Okay, okay – I worked it out – I’m coming to see you this weekend.”
My heart literally soared. “Are you serious?! You’re coming?!”
“Do you think I would joke around about something like this?”
I teased back, “Yes! But, really, you’re coming?”
He assured me that yes, he was really truly coming – in fact, he was already in his car & on his way. We would both arrive at my parent’s house around the same time.
My flight home was simultaneously the longest & shortest flight ever. My Dad picked me up from the airport & we drove back to my parent’s house where, shortly afterward: Derrick arrived. By this point, it was pretty late, so we instantly hopped into my parent’s van & drove down to the Lake House. I struggled to believe that it was all real & actually happening. I wanted to pinch myself in order to prove the reality of the weekend, but I equally didn’t care whether it was real or not: it was too good to interrupt with a pinch.
Since we got in so late – just about everyone was asleep when we arrived. I tucked myself into a bunk bed in one of the front rooms, and Derrick bedded down for the night in a room in the back. As we all woke up the next morning – my siblings & cousins all asked the question: who is sleeping in the back room? Derrick coming for the weekend was not planned, so all they knew was that someone was back there.
I decided to have a little fun with it & convinced everyone (well, maybe not everyone – the littlest people were convinced) that I had brought a Disney character home with me. Everyone guessed wild, silly guesses, until a sleepy-eyed, crazy-haired Derrick stumbled out into the morning light of the sun porch.
The weekend flew by faster than I could have imagined possible. Before I knew it, I was back on a plane, flying back down to Florida. I found myself renewed & refreshed to continue my College Program. The quick weekend home was exactly what I needed.
I dove into my new job as a PhotoPass photographer with vigor. I loved being outside in the Florida sun, photographing & talking to the guests of Blizzard Beach & Typhoon Lagoon. Things slowly started to get better – easier. After a few weeks, I didn’t feel so “new” at my job anymore. And, the PhotoPass management seemed to recognize some sort of potential in me. They started assigning me to positions that we had been told in training, would only get assigned to the experienced photographers. They were some of my absolute favorite spots to work: the base of Summit Plummet at Blizzard Beach & the Shark Experience at Typhoon Lagoon. I made quick friends with the lifeguards & I started to really enjoy going into work.
I also started to connect with my new roommates. Most of them weren’t so bad after all – and our Puerto Rican roommate quickly transferred into another apartment that was a better “fit”.
One beautiful, hot, sunny day, I arrived to work the day at Typhoon Lagoon. I had paid attention when they told us in training that the Florida sun can be brutal, but I hadn’t truly experienced it’s ferocity yet.
I clocked in & was assigned the shoot at the base of Crush’N’Gusher – the water coaster. It was a fast-paced spot & one of my favorites. As I stood next to the lifeguard & photographed the guests coming down the slide, I began to feel a little queasy. The moments stretched on & the feeling refused to pass, in fact, it got worse. Light-headed, I struggled to continue shooting & eventually, I found myself “greying out”.
Not knowing what to do, I looked at the lifeguard: “Hey, I’m not feeling so good – could you radio over to the PhotoPass base & let them know I need a break?”
The lifeguard took one look at me & instantly knew something was wrong. He took my camera from my hands, and had me sit down at the edge of the pool to put my feet in the water. Just a few minutes later, one of my PhotoPass managers came around the corner to see what was wrong. I felt horrible – not just sick, but horrible for needing a manager to come out & check on me. They instantly sent me off to the First Aid building (which, thankfully, was right around the corner).
The nurse was so sweet. She gave me a Gatorade & had me simply sit in the air conditioning for a while. After about 15 minutes, I started to feel better.
“Sweetie, what have you eaten today?”
I thought back to breakfast: “I had a banana on the way in to work.”
Her eyebrows went up: “Just a banana? Did you have anything else?”
I shook my head, “No – but I should be getting a lunch break soon.”
She nodded, “Okay, how much water have you drank today?”
I held up the water bottle that was clipped to my shorts: “Maybe one or two of these?”
She smiled gently at me, “Sweetie, I think you’re dehydrated. A banana isn’t enough breakfast when you’re standing out in the sun for hours on end. And you should be drinking at least one of those bottles of water per hour – more when it’s as hot as it is today.”
I felt so silly. Of course I knew better. I had simply gotten lazy.
She sent me home for the rest of the day on strict orders to rest, drink a lot of water, and eat something more substantial than just a banana.
I followed her orders & within just a few hours I was completely back to normal. The experience definitely scared me straight though to eat more protein & drink more water!
A month quickly flew by & as the end of June approached, I was reminded that the annual Eichelberger Family Reunion would be taking place at home. It would be the first Family Reunion that I missed – and suddenly, I couldn’t bear the thought of missing it. By this point, I felt like an airplane flying pro & I found myself booking my 3rd flight in 6 weeks.
This time, I would be home for 3 whole days & since I planned this trip out a little further in advance than the last one, Derrick arranged to come spend the weekend at my parent’s house as well (no surprises – or Disney characters – this time).
The weekend actually worked out to be right as Derrick was moving home. His time in the Phoenixville, Pennsylvania area had come to an end. He had graduated from college & made a go at staying in the area to continue his voice lessons & work with his college best friend. As that job fizzled out & Caleb moved on, Derrick’s desire to stay in the area had waned as well. By the end of June, he was officially moving back home – to Sayre, Pennsylvania. His Mom drove down to help cart his stuff back home, but instead of following her back, Derrick took a road trip. He drove up to New York to visit his childhood best friend, Jake, & after a few days, he drove down to Paul & Naomi’s house.
Derrick & Naomi were the ones who came & picked me up from the airport that Friday afternoon. I hadn’t seen my best friend in 6 months & it was the most wonderful feeling ever to hug her & her growing baby-belly. Due in October, she was over half-way thru her pregnancy & I was so excited to see her glowing with that new-Mama glow!
Derrick & I spent Friday evening with Paul & Naomi in their new apartment. They had recently upgraded, from their small 1-bedroom apartment downstairs, to a larger 2-bedroom apartment on the second-floor of the same building. We ate together & laughed together – an evening never felt so natural & normal & right.
Saturday brought the Eichelberger Family Reunion. It wasn’t the large event that it once was, but it was a family tradition that my Grandparents carried on. Every year, they hosted the event at their home – parking people in the backyard, eating fried chicken & pasta salad at tables set up in the garage, and playing BINGO thru the afternoon.
As we were setting up for the day, Derrick found my Dad: “Mr. Eichelberger, I’d like to talk to you about something a little later on, if that’s okay.”
My Dad seemed to catch his drift & agreed that they’d talk – later.
As everyone began to arrive, I had the opportunity to introduce Derrick – my boyfriend – to a lot of my family from out of state that he had never met before. We ate picnic food, played games out in the yard, and visited with extended family. The day was full to the brim.
Sunday brought church & as we all sat around the table eating lunch, my Dad spoke up: “So Derrick, what did you want to talk to me about?”
The normally endless chatter around my family’s table seemed to instantly grow quiet. The color drained from Derrick’s face. “Uhh, actually, umm,” he stuttered, “I was hoping we could talk in private – maybe later on?”
My Dad nodded & my siblings picked right back up, chattering away – completely oblivious to what had just happened. I obviously knew something was happening, but I refused to let my mind speculate as to what that “thing” could be.
We spent the afternoon visiting with my family who were still in town. As the sun set, everyone retreated back into my parent’s house & my Mom nonchalantly suggested we all head downstairs – leaving Derrick & my Dad upstairs alone.
For a split second, I had an inkling that something life-changing was about to happen, but I shoved the feeling aside. I didn’t want to get my hopes up about anything & I didn’t want to speculate a single thing. I wanted to simply enjoy & soak up every single second of time with my family. After all, in just a few hours, I would be getting on a plane to fly back to Florida.
Meanwhile, upstairs in my parent’s living room, finally alone, my Dad & Derrick settled onto opposite couches. Derrick cleared his throat nervously: “Mr. Eichelberger, I have a question to ask you..”
..Part 25 coming soon!
[…] published “Chapter 24” of Derrick & I’s love story this week! I’m getting so close to the end! Derrick was […]
[…] Preface: If you’ve missed any of the “chapters” of our love story so far, go back & get caught up before continuing below!Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9 — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13 — Part 14 — Part 15 — Part 16 — Part 17 — Part 18 — Part 19 — Part 20 — Part 21 — Part 22 — Part 23 — Part 24 […]