Have you heard of these new-fangled things called “wedding albums”?
They are a revolutionary way of getting your gorgeous, fabulous wedding images off of your computer, phone, and harddrive and into your hands in physical form! It’s AMAZING.
Okay – all silliness aside: in today’s day and age of virtual everything, there is just something precious about physical products. Having something tangible to hold in your hands, to feel, to smell, to enjoy, is absolutely delightful.
And what better way to remember your Day 1 – this huge milestone in your life – than with a physical, beautiful, leather-bound, heirloom quality wedding album?
Here’s the thing: the holidays are coming! I know – it’s still August, but hear me out: Labor Day weekend is this weekend – which means fall and Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner (literally).
If you got married this year (or last year, or the year before – there truly is no time-line to this!) why not create a wedding album for Christmas this year? Maybe, as a couple, you’ve decided that there really isn’t anything you need (as adults, we tend to just buy the things we want anyway) so why not invest in a big, beautiful wedding album as something special this Christmas?
If that is something you’d like – I’d be thrilled to chat with you! There is definitely time in the coming weeks to work together to create an amazing family heirloom (because, the design and creation process do take some time) and have it created in time to be under your Christmas Tree on Christmas morning. Let’s chat soon!
April and Bobby made things super easy on themselves and simply added a wedding album into their photography package. That way, as soon as their wedding photos were delivered, we jumped straight into the album-design-process! Within just a few weeks, I was meeting up with them and handing off these beautiful, custom-designed, heirloom albums (they had one made for April’s parents too – but I’ll talk more about that later!)