I chat with a lot of couples about their wedding photography and one of my favorites parts of those conversations is finding out how a couple met. Some stories are intricate roller coaster rides, some stories are goose-bump inducing, and some are simply simple.
There is no right or wrong “how we met” story.
The origin of how two people were introduced to one another, how they began to chat, & how their friendship formed is one-of-a-kind & unique to every couple. Sure, some stories have similarities, but I believe that no story should be played down or diminished because of it’s origin – as simple or silly as it may sound.
And Kristin & Brad are no exceptions to this rule.
They met via the Match.com dating app.
Now, 10 years ago, when I was first building my wedding photography business, hearing a couple say that they met online was rare. It was interesting & fascinating & definitely unique.
Then, about 5 years ago, the “we met online” story began to become more popular. And it was almost always followed up by the statement, “I didn’t want to meet just anybody at a bar.” (I think I’ve only ever met & photographed one wedding that the couple met at a bar – but it’s sure a popular excuse for looking elsewhere for friends!)
Fast forward to 2020 & 2021 and I’d say a solid 95% of the couples I talk to tell me that they met online or on some sort of dating app. The excuses have melted away as dating websites & apps have gained popularity and it’s just becoming the norm.
And that’s exactly the category that Kristin & Brad fall into.
Rewind 3 years & you’d find them both chatting & eventually meeting all thanks to a dating app. (Technology, what would we do without you?)
They are getting married this fall & so we celebrated their engagement a few weeks ago at Twin Lakes Park in Greensburg, PA!
And – fun story (and a shameless plug): Kristin & Brad own a “little” side business where they cut & sell wooden shapes, numbers, and letters (as well as custom cut-outs). They had created a few pieces with their wedding date & new last name that we incorporated into a bunch of their photos!
I say “little” because their business is actually bursting! They were telling me how quickly it has grown & how exciting it is to run (with the help of some family members). If you are in need of any wooden shapes – definitely check 24 Hour Crafts out!
[…] fall without rain in the forecast! And it’s 100% local!! I’m SO excited to go celebrate with Kristin & Brad […]
[…] See Kristin & Brad’s engagement blog post here!And see their wedding blog post here! […]