Well, it feels like it’s time to officially announce my newest little “venture” to my blog-readers –
INTRODUCING: Down Abbey Lane – my corner of the internet where I talk about things I’m receiving and reviewing from Amazon as an Influencer.
Let me fill you in on some back story (because up to this point, I really haven’t shared much publicly about this facet of my life – in fact, unless you somehow stumbled across my Instagram account or YouTube channel, you most likely have no clue what I’m talking about!)
Back in October, I received an invitation to join the Amazon Vine program.
I thought it was a scam.
But, after doing some research, I decided to dip my toes into the pool and see if this was legit or not.
And newsflash: it’s legit.
Amazon Vine is a “secret” program that you have to be invited into. Items are listed on Vine and those in the program can “order” items at no cost. The catch is that they have to then turn around and write “helpful” reviews on those items.
And that’s it! You get free stuff in exchange for your honest reviews.
(Disclaimer: No, I can’t get you into the program. No, you cannot sign up to be on a wait-list. No, you cannot buy your way in. It’s 100% invitation based and 100% up to Amazon whom they extend invitations to.)
The most notable “catch” to the program is that in the United States, you have to pay taxes on all of the taxable items you receive (which is about 95% of all the items listed on Vine – certain foods and “health items” are non-taxable).
So, before you get super jealous and think that myself and other Amazon Influencers are out living the high-life, don’t forget about taxes.
Because I don’t pull punches, I’ll tell you: in 2022, I received about $3400 worth of “free” products from Amazon.
And I owed about $850 in taxes on those items.
As fun as being a part of this program is: I realized (while doing our taxes this year) that I truly do need to treat this like a JOB. I’m receiving products in exchange for my honest reviews, but like any job, I owe taxes on what I’m given as compensation.
And thus, I decided to start a social media account – Down Abbey Lane – in the hopes that I can grow it to the point of making a little bit of ad revenue and affiliate commissions, so that I have the cash to pay the taxes I’ll owe at the end of next year!
And thus, Down Abbey Lane was born.
Speaking of affiliate commissions: yes, the links I share to the products I review are affiliate links. This means that I receive a teeny-tiny (and I mean pennies) commission every time you click on the links I share and buy something. Clicking on those links are completely free to you and do not effect your purchases whatsoever (using my links just shows Amazon where you’re coming from). You don’t even have to buy what you clicked my link to look at!
So, for example, say I’m talking about a beach towel I got – you click on my link to go over to Amazon to look at the listing, but decide now is not the time you want to purchase that beach towel. However! While you’re on Amazon, you remember that you need to buy a birthday gift and a book for your upcoming trip. As long as you don’t close out the window that you originally opened using my link – I receive credit on anything you purchase. (In other words, if you think of it, before purchasing anything on Amazon, would you click on one of my links?)
I’ve been an Amazon Influencer for over 6 months now, but my social media accounts are still very much new (they’re just over 2 months old!) I’ve had a TON of fun filming reels and shorts and a few long-form reviews though – it’s been a really fun creative outlet, especially while I’m in the off-season of being a wedding photographer.
So, if you’d like to follow along, I invite you to follow my Instagram account HERE and/or my YouTube account HERE!
I promise to always tell it to you straight.
I promise not to pull any punches.
I promise to show you the good & the bad.
This is going to be fun.
I’m Kara Abbey & I’m an Amazon Influencer.