Life moves fast -
Let me help you preserve your story.


This is definitely uncharted territory - there aren't many businesses out there who's sole purpose is to take your home movies and curate them into a finished product (in fact, I've only ever discovered one other business doing something similar!) So, I completely understand that you have some questions.

Here are some common questions I've gotten - have a question that's not listed? Send me a message! I'm happy to answer any questions you can come up with!

How long does the entire process take?
Once I receive your videos, the curating and editing process takes about 3-4 weeks.

How much does this cost?
That's a great question - hop on over to my PRICING page for the full details!

How long does it take for me to upload my videos to you?
Depending on your internet speed and how many videos you are uploading, the uploading process can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes, to a few hours. My best advice is to drop all of your videos onto my server while you are brushing your teeth before bed, and then let them upload overnight!

Is my finished film private or do you share it publicly?
That is completely up to you!
I offer two different options:
1. I can upload your film directly to YouTube - that way you can view it immediately and conveniently from the YouTube app on your TV. Additionally, if you plan on sharing your film with friends and family, YouTube is the most accessible and easy way to do that.
2. I can send you your completed film the same way you sent me your individual videos. You will simply download it from my server and you can then save and share it however you'd like!

I'm overwhelmed by the amount of videos I have - where do I begin?
That is a perfectly normal feeling to have and I'm SO glad you've found your way here so I can help!
The short answer is: start where you are. Do you have a vacation coming up? Let's start with a vacation video. Do you take a lot of daily-life videos? Let's start with a monthly video.
Once you get in the groove of capturing videos and having them curated, we can go back to previous months and events and create films from there! But the best thing to do is simply start with where you are today.

Can you give me some tips and tricks to create the best film possible?
Sign up for my email list to receive a download of my best tips and tricks (plus monthly ideas sent straight to your inbox).

Follow me on Instagram for regular inspiration:

Follow me on YouTube to see what I'm creating for myself and other people.

Can I see some examples?
100%! The best way to see a variety of films that I've created is to hop over to my YouTube channel - that's where I upload all the videos I've created personally for my own family and you can see films I've created for other people there as well!

I'd like a specific song to be used in my video, can you do that for me?
I have a license nearly 20,000 sounds - however most of those are not mainstream titles. If you are super attached to a specific song, we can talk about what it would cost to license it! Otherwise, I do my best to find the perfect song that I feel will fit your video best!

Can I send you VHS tapes/film reels/other old video formats?
Unfortunately, I don't have the capability to digitize anything that isn't already digital. There are some amazing companies out there that will take your VHS tapes or film and digitize it for you - and then once it's digitized, you can absolutely send it my way and I can create a film out of it!! It just has to be digital first.

Do you have questions I did not answer above? I'd LOVE to answer them for you!
Fill out my contact form below & we can get this conversation started!

Let's Chat!

Thank you so much! I do my best to respond to messages within 24 hours, HOWEVER, if you do not receive a response from me, PLEASE send me an email directly ( as lately, my contact form has been hit by a swarm of SPAM & keeps getting shut down :(Oh no! Something went wrong, please try to send me your message again!

I do my best to respond to every single message I receive within 24 hours.
If you do not receive a response from me after that, check your SPAM box!
If you'd like to reach out to me directly, my email address is: