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Home Movies and Highlights from June 2022 | The Abbey Archives

The Abbey Archives - A Compilation of our Home Movies & Family Life in June 2022

There is a very distinct theme to our June Abbey Archive film – and it’s WATER.

And that makes sense, right? After all – summer’s middle name is “water”!

We started off the month with some extended time spent at my family’s lake house on Deep Creek Lake in Maryland.
And then ended the month with buying an inflatable pool and spending HOURS in it in our backyard.

Once upon a time, I bought an inflatable pool and blew the entire thing up with my own lungs. It was torture (but I was doing it for a 2-year-old Braelynn, so I did it).
I told myself I would never buy an inflatable pool again. BUT, after our big plastic pool cracked at the end of last summer – I had a decision to make: buy another plastic pool (that was truly getting too small for Braelynn & Leander anyway – and that was the bigger size plastic pool) or buy an inflatable one.
WELL – this time, I have an electric pump, so I decided to go for it.
I bought a 10′ long inflatable pool and thanks to my electric pump – we blew it up in seconds (it was delightful). It’s been one of the best $25 investments I have ever made!

We bought this one: (this is the Amazon link, but we got ours at WalMart!)

Life moves too fast & the best way I know to preserve it is to snatch these fleeting moments before they fly away & bottle them up so they are never lost.

Moments of note this month:
(0:35) Auntie Ruby got a paddleboard for her birthday, so rides were in order!
(1:09) Leander is quite the videographer
(1:57) Playing wiffle ball in the backyard at the lake house
(2:26) Who knew that unloading groceries could be THIS exciting?
(2:59) Auntie Ruby’s 17th birthday
(3:23) We heartily suggest watching funny animal fails on YouTube!
(3:30) Filling up the pool for the first time!
(5:05) Daddy joins in on the pool fun
(5:46) Backyard races (with Dad AND Mom)

Just in case you’ve missed what I’m doing – I decided that I wanted to create a curated “home video” for our family every month (remember those old “home movies” our families used to create? with the giant video recorders that an entire VHS tape fit in?) Those videos were fantastic, but if you’ve ever sat down to watch one (does anyone even own a VHS player anymore?) you very quickly realize that you do a lot of “fast-forwarding”.

So, my goal, is to take all the little videos I take of our family over the course of a month & create a short (my goal is to be around 10 minutes) video of my favorite snippets. I am SO excited to finally have a dedicated place to chronicle my family videos & keep them safe & accessible.

Enjoy a little peek into what our June looked like!

PS: don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel while you’re at it!

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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