We love being roller coaster enthusiasts because it’s a hobby that we can bring our family along with us to enjoy. We love traveling as a family and having fun with our kids!
But, since we have young kids – that ALSO means that Derrick and I RARELY get to ride roller coasters TOGETHER. (Thankfully, our daughter is finally getting old enough and tall enough to give us a ride partner, but it’s still not the same!)
Now that our kids have been getting a little older though, Derrick and I have had the freedom to take mini-getaways together, leaving our kids behind with my parents. We miss them terribly, but it’s such a completely different experience to go to a theme park WITHOUT our kids! (We can ride rides SO MUCH FASTER!)
•In 2022, we flew to Florida and visited Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure
•In 2023, we went to Hersheypark!
We missed out on attending their Wildcat’s Revenge Media Event because we were in Florida (we were MAJORLY bummed), but Hersheypark was gracious enough to extend their invitation to us a few weeks later. We LOVED Wildcat’s Revenge! It was such an amazing 24-hour getaway (even though poor Derrick was getting over a cold and a bit under the weather).
Of course, what is a post without photos? Here are a few of the highlights of our visit from both my iPhone 14 Pro and “big” camera (I have a Canon R6).