Happy Halloween from our pair of MINIONS!
The kids went back and forth between wanting to dress up as dragons from How To Train Your Dragon and Minions from Despicable Me for Halloween this year.
I found a Minion costume for Leander that I ordered back at the end of the summer and that instantly sealed the deal. Much like he did last year with his suspenders and mustache (he was Mario last year), he’s worn his hat and goggles around everywhere! It’s adorable and his sister couldn’t resist joining in the fun. (Her costume was a little more tricky to put together – turns out: there are no girl Minions! I did find her a hat and goggles and suspenders – and a blue tutu skirt, but she decided she wanted to skip the tutu and simply wear navy pants.)
I know that today is Halloween, but they’ve already worn their costumes to two different amusement parks (Kennywood and Hersheypark) and had a ton of fun trick-or-treating there! They’re all amped up for candy tonight (they always make out like bandits – we come home with enough candy to last us literally all year long).
I must admit: it was a bit sad taking these photos without our Abby-dog – but let’s be honest: she would have hated me putting goggles and a hat on her head (although, like the good sport she always was: she would have put up with it for a handful of treats!)
There are a lot of “holiday photos” that I’ve taken every single year with Abby and the kids and as we round the corner on that time of year, Braelynn asked me the other day: “Are we still going to take some of those photos? The Red Cup one and the Christmas Tree one?” It made me so sad, but I said: “YES.” I literally wouldn’t miss out on documenting another year going by with our kids that are getting so big! And maybe, one day, we’ll have another dog we can add back into the mix – but until then, I’m determined to continue documenting my family as I always have!