So, this post is a little early.
Derrick’s birthday is this Sunday, but since I only publish blog posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays – here we are.
(I won’t spill the beans, but if you’ve read any of my past “happy birthday” posts (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, & 2016) you can figure out how old Derrick is turning this weekend! I’ll give you a hint: it’s old.)
This past year has been a big one for Derrick.
I feel like, when people think about Derrick (and what we talk about surrounding him the most) is roller coasters and his content creation as a roller coaster enthusiast. And while yes – that takes up a massive portion of who he is (believe it or not) there are other faucets to Derrick too.
For example: Derrick works a full time job to provide for our family. (Newsflash: YouTube and social media do not pay the bills.) He’s worked at Shred-It since before Braelynn was born and has been incredibly dedicated and hard-working there. He’s patiently worked his way up through the ranks, and just a few months ago was offered a HUGE promotion. He is now the Dispatcher Supervisor and he covers a territory with multiple offices across multiple states and has dispatchers under him.
It’s quite a promotion.
And I am so proud of him.
This past year, he’s also been working hard at making our home nicer than ever – from working to enclose our front porch and create our new mudroom, to getting a new roof, gutters, and siding (which completely transformed what our house looks like), to completely renovating our dining room – Derrick has worked hard this year.
(And I’d be remiss if I failed to mention that he’s becoming more and more obsessed with having a nice lawn – he got some new lawn tools at the end of last summer and now meticulously cuts our grass, weed-wacks, and uses his blower to clean everything up – it makes me laugh every time and tease him about becoming an “old man”.)
This is the 15th birthday I get to celebrate with Derrick, and it’s hilarious and fascinating just how much we both have changed over these last 15 birthdays.
And time just flies by faster and faster.
But there is no one on the planet I’d rather spend these faster and faster days with than you, Derrick.
I hope today, tomorrow, and all weekend – next week, next month, and into next year, you know just how much I love you, your kids love you, and how much we appreciate everything you do for us.
You work hard, you provide for us, and you keep your lives exciting with our many adventures.
I can’t wait to see what next year brings.
Happy birthday, Derrick!
Love, Kara
PS – if you’d like to give Derrick a little birthday present, it’s really easy to do so! Visit his Instagram account and his YouTube channel & subscribe to both – that will make his day!