serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Happy Birthday, Derrick (XscreamThrills)

Our Week Long Trip to Florida The Adventuring Abbeys

Happy birthday to my amazing, roller coaster loving husband!

Are we officially at the age where we no longer list the “specific” number that we’re turning & just call it the “anniversary of our 29th birthday”? A few years ago I said that we absolutely were not old enough to shy away from declaring our age yet, but now? Ehhhhh, I’m not so sure.
Of course, if you’ve read any of my past “happy birthday” posts (2020, 2019, 2018, & 2016) you can figure out how old Derrick is turning today!

Age & numbers & years aside, I just wanted to take a few minutes to specifically say happy birthday to Derrick.
Birthdays are a great big huge deal to him & I will hardly see him at all today, as I’m off shooting a big wedding (side note: June 11th seems to be the most popular wedding date I have ever shot – I’ve photographed many weddings on June 11th over the last decade!!)

So, since I won’t really get a chance to see him in person very much today, I wanted to specifically call him out & shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the rooftops of my blog.

I hope you know how very much you are loved.
I hope you know how very much you are appreciated.
I hope you know how very proud I am of you.
I hope you know how very grateful I am for everything you do.
I hope you know how very happy I am to be your partner in life.

You are the best Daddy to our kids.
You are the best husband to me.
You are the best influencer in the roller coaster community.
You are the best content creator on YouTube (okay, maybe you come in second place to Mr. Beast).

I absolutely love watching you set a goal & then chase it with all your might.
I absolutely love watching you set a dream & then figuring out how you can make it happen.
I absolutely love watching you set your own wants aside in order to work hard – both at your “real” job & your “fake” one.
I absolutely love watching you set a great example to our kids with your patient & kind attitude.

You’re amazing & I love you very much. I can’t wait to celebrate your birthday with you, tomorrow.
Love, Kara

PS – if you’d like to give Derrick a little birthday present, it’s really easy to do so! Visit his Instagram account and his YouTube channel & subscribe to both – that will make his day!

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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