When you’re married to a roller coaster enthusiast who’s birthday is in prime-roller-coaster-riding-season, you can bet your bottom dollar that we go ride roller coasters for Derrick’s birthday.
We’ve gone to Silver Dollar City and Hersheypark to celebrate Derrick’s big day, but in 2023, we went to “The Roller Coaster Capital of the World” – the one and only: Cedar Point.
We almost always go to Cedar Point at the very end of the amusement park “season”, so going in June was a completely new experience for us. It was so fun to see the park decked out for their “Frontier Festival” – there were sunflowers EVERYWHERE!
Of course: our main objective in visiting Cedar Point in 2023 was to ride their brand new roller coaster: Wild Mouse. It isn’t record-breaking or mind-blowing, but it IS a new ride, so we bee-lined straight for it when the park opened. We were then able to get on Millennium Force and Steel Vengeance pretty quickly after that – but by the time lunch was over – the park was getting very busy and the lines for everything else we wanted to ride were LONG.
We let the kids ride a bunch of kiddie rides, we spent some time relaxing on the beach, and overall – just enjoyed being at the gorgeous Cedar Point, celebrating our favorite roller coaster enthusiast!
Of course, what is a post without photos? Here are a few of the highlights of our visit from both my iPhone 14 Pro and “big” camera (I have a Canon R6).