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Category Archives: Common Wedding Questions

5 Things To Consider When Looking For The Perfect Wedding Photographer

Wedding planning is a gigantic, monumental, climbing-Mount-Everest-like task. Not only do you have to choose a date (a date that you’ll remember for the rest of your life), but find a church, and a reception venue, hire a florist, choose your bridesmaids, find a DJ, choose the wording of your invitations and programs, decide on...

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Wedding Etiquette | 10 Ways To Be The Ultimate Wedding Guest

As a wedding photographer – I obviously attend a lot of weddings. (Can I get a “DUH!”)And (as a wedding photographer who attends a lot of weddings) I have quite a long list of stories I could tell about wedding GUESTS. Which got me thinking: I should write a blog post about how to be...

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Should You Hire a Wedding Photographer Who Has Shot At Your Venue Before? (Venue Experience vs. Overall Expertise)

One of the most common questions I hear, when I hop on the phone to chat with a bride and groom about their wedding photography is: “Have you ever photographed a wedding at our venue before?” It’s a reasonable question.It makes sense.And it’s one I get asked on almost every single phone call. Here’s the...

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Why Is Wedding Photography So Expensive?

Consider this my “standing on a soapbox and shouting to the masses” announcement: Wedding Photography is Expensive. (But, newsflash: It’s always been expensive.) For some reason, while the prices of everything else have gone up over the last 3 years, people seem to expect wedding photography rates to remain the same.(I was talking to Derrick...

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Advice For Parents Of The Bride Or Groom On A Wedding Day

Story time! Once upon a time, I photographed a super sweet couple’s wedding day.(I promise you, this particular wedding was like 10 years ago, so it’s no one within recent memory.) After the ceremony, we had one hour (cocktail hour) to take all the “traditional” portraits: family, bridal party, and bride and groom. If a...

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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