Caleb and Juliana met at a Bible Study.
It was 2015 and Juliana had just come to the United States to attend the University of Akron. Her roommate had heard about a brand new Bible Study being started on campus by a group called “H2O”, and she suggested they go.
Neither of them knew anyone, but as they walked in and glanced around the room, Juliana’s roommate pointed at a guy across the room. She leaned in to Juliana: “Do you see that guy? The beautifully tanned one? He’s going to be your boyfriend.” Juliana looked at her roommate questioningly: “Do you know him?” She laughed back: “Nope! Not at all!”
Not quite sure what to make of this comment, Juliana followed her roommate into the room. They chatted with a few people as they entered and were invited to grab some food before things got started. As Juliana went up to grab something to eat, to her surprise, the “beautifully tanned” guy came strolling over to the food table as well.
He introduced himself: “Hi! I’m Caleb! I see you have an international student shirt on – where are you from?” His energy was bigger than life, his smile massive, and Juliana was completely taken aback. Her parents had warned her about “college boys”, and here she was, at a Bible study, already being completely overwhelmed. He seemed to have so much energy and was so eager to talk, that for a moment, she didn’t know how to respond.
Time seemed to stand still in awkward silence, before she finally responded: “I’m from Columbia.”
Caleb wasn’t sure how to take this interaction. He had assumed that someone, being so far from home, would be eager to make friends, but Juliana seemed a little rude and not super interested in chatting with him. He exited the conversation and Caleb decided he wouldn’t try to talk to her again.
The next morning, as Juliana sat down in the cafeteria to eat breakfast, she looked up to see the same “beautifully tanned” guy smiling straight back at her from across the room. Caleb had decided to put their awkward interaction from the night before behind him, and the next thing Juliana knew, he had gotten up, come over to her table, and asked if he could sit with her. Again, not quite knowing what to do with this big energy, overly friendly, “beautifully tanned” guy, Juliana (reluctantly) agreed and they had breakfast together.
And then they had breakfast together again, the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
Breakfasts together turned into studying together, which turned into watching movies together, which turned into Caleb taking Juliana to his family’s house for Thanksgiving. And as their friendship grew, Caleb officially asked Juliana to be his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day.
Through ups and downs and around the world, by the fall of 2021, they knew that they were going to get engaged and married. Juliana told Caleb that she had one condition: she did not want to get engaged on a holiday.
Caleb had an idea for how he wanted to propose, and he wanted to include their friends and family, but the only date EVERYONE was available was October 31 – which is technically a holiday. As he called and asked Juliana’s parent’s and brother’s blessing (they said: “Absolutely!”), he ran the proposal date by her Mom and she agreed that it would be okay.
On October 31st, Caleb’s plans were set in motion. Earlier in the day, Caleb’s Mom had said that she wanted to stop at the store to get some flowers to plant in her garden before the temperatures dropped. Juliana helped her pick out a whole plethora of flowers and when they got back to the house, Caleb seemed upset at the state of his Mom’s garden. So, while Juliana was inside, Caleb was (anxiously) working to clean up his Mom’s garden and the back yard. Juliana didn’t think anything of it – she assumed he was just trying to be a helpful son. There was a football game on, food (a lot of food) was being cooked, Juliana knew some people were planning to come over – but that was all she knew.
She also knew that Caleb had told her he wanted to take her on a drive that afternoon. So, with the backyard sufficiently fixed up, the food still cooking, and most of their friends still missing, Caleb and Juliana took their drive.
They took their time. They simply enjoyed being together. They watched the sun set over Lake Erie. And then, Caleb turned the car to head back home.
As he got closer to the house, Juliana immediately knew something was happening. There were cars parked everywhere, the house was simply bursting with people – people that did not “belong” there – and that’s when Juliana knew.
Caleb led her up and through the house – all of their family and friends were standing on either side, giving them a “hallway” of people to walk through – straight into the backyard.
The backyard, that Caleb had been so anxiously cleaning up, had been transformed – while they were out on their romantic drive, Caleb’s family and their friends had strung lights, lit candles, hung photos, and spread all of the flowers they had bought around. To top it off, Caleb had arranged someone to video and stream the entire event across the world, so that Juliana’s family could be a part of the evening as well. It was like a scene straight from a fairy tale.
Caleb led Juliana out into the backyard, got down on one knee, and completely blanked. He looked up at her, and with that massive Caleb-grin said, “I don’t know what to say next.” He was so caught up in how breath-taking the backyard was, he momentarily lost his train of thought and forgot that most important question.
Thankfully, it didn’t take him long to recover and we all know the ending to that story.
This past Friday was THE BIG DAY! And it was perfect. Juliana was radiant. Caleb was dashing (with a solid dose of nerves that disappeared the moment he saw his bride). The theme of the day seemed to be “exceeding joy” – because everywhere you looked, everyone was smiling, laughing, and so so happy to be celebrating Caleb and Juliana’s wedding day. I’m not sure if I have ever felt so enveloped in happiness – it was simply delicious.
Caleb and Juliana – I know I’ve said this over and over again, but you both truly are THE BEST. Through all of our communications leading up to the wedding, to finally meeting you both in person, you both proved over and over again how incredible you are. You handled every hurdle (from planning to the big day) with grace, understanding, empathy, and care. You both are truly beautiful people, inside and out, and it was my highest honor to celebrate with you!
Juliana wanted to simply get ready with her Mom. How sweet is that? They had a quiet, relaxing morning together, complete with matching slippers, robes, and champagne glasses!
Juliana did a “First Look” with her bridesmaids..
And then she did a “First Look” with the groomsmen!
Caleb and Juliana did not want to see each other before their ceremony, but they did want to hold hands and pray together – it was one of the most stirring, emotional, heart-felt moments I have ever witnessed on a wedding day!
That “just married” feeling!
I’m not sure if the day, Caleb, or Juliana could have been any prettier!
Dead, I’m just dead.
I could have photographed these two all day long.
This is probably my favorite photo, ever.
The clouds, the light, that veil, Caleb, Juliana – it’s all just *chef’s kiss*.
I always try to sneak my couples out for “golden hour” portraits and it was something Juliana had also specifically requested. It gives the bride and groom a few moments to breathe, to be alone, and to enjoy the fact that they’re MARRIED!
And I mean, can you even handle this light?! I was literally (silently) freaking out the entire 5 minutes that we were outside.
And then I told them that we needed to run back into their party – and they 100% obliged!
One of the Columbian traditions Caleb and Juliana included in their wedding day was La Hora Loca – these brightly colored hats, garlands, and necklaces were passed around to everyone and then Caleb and Juliana came out in these INCREDIBLE crowns! Juliana’s Mom had made them and they were mind-blowingly beautiful! So, during La Hora Loca, not only does everyone put on these brightly colored things, but the music gets good, like SUPER good – and everyone comes out and dances up a storm.
American weddings seem so bland and boring now – every wedding should have La Hora Loca! It was SO MUCH FUN!
And to cap it all off: sparklers!!
Huge shout-out and thank you to the amazing team of vendors, as well as friends & family, who helped make Caleb & Juliana’s wedding day absolutely perfect!
Ceremony and Reception: The Event on Sunny Brook at Sunny Hills Golf Course in Kent, OH
Venue Coordinator: Hope Battle
Catering: The Event on Sunny Brook at Sunny Hills Golf Course in Kent, OH
Bridal Hair & Makeup: Bella Bronze Studios in Akron, OH
Bridal Bouquet: Lowe’s Greenhouse in Chagrin Falls, OH
Bridesmaids Bouquets: Sam’s Club
Centerpieces/Arch Florals: Ling’s Moment
Bridal Gown Shop: Liliana Bridal House in Lakewood, OH
Bridal Gown Designer: Justin Alexander
Bridesmaids Gowns: David’s Bridal
Groom & Groomsmen Attire: Men’s Wearhouse
Her Wedding Ring: Soho Diamond Co.
His Wedding Ring: Zales Jewelry
Wedding Cookies: The Faithful Little Cupcake in Orrville, OH
Wedding Favors – Coffee: Juan Valdez Cafe
Wedding Favors – Honey: The Honey Jar
DJ: DJ Taz from The Cleveland Music Group
Ceremony Music: Sonata Strings from The Cleveland Music Group
Cocktail Hour Music: Scott Schlegel from The Cleveland Music Group
Videographer: Derrick Abbey in Irwin, PA
Photographer: Kara Abbey Photography in Irwin, PA
[…] See Caleb & Juliana’s wedding blog post here! […]