Almost 2 weeks ago now (wow, where does the time go?) we hosted a Rapunzel Themed 4th Birthday Party for our golden-haired princess. We had so much fun with the whole process (at least, I did) that I wanted to share a peek into our party!!
Last year, we had an “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” themed party (because, at the time, Braelynn was obsessed with those books – she still loves them!) and the year before, we had a “Daniel Tiger” themed party (and yes, she’s still obsessed with Daniel Tiger too). This year, when we started talking about her birthday party, she immediately asked for a Rapunzel party – which is perfect because, as you can probably guess, she’s currently super obsessed with Rapunzel & the movie Tangled.
The movie Tangled actually has some pretty iconic symbols that were super easy to incorporate into decorations. For example, the golden flower is woven into every aspect of the movie & the color purple is everywhere (from Rapunzel’s
Needless to say, we had a ton of fun planning, prepping, and pulling together this party. And,
One of the ideas I innocently tossed out while searching Pinterest for ideas, was, “Hey Derrick! You could dress up & be Flynn Rider!” I had no idea he’d actually take to the idea & be all for it! But, he agreed & he actually got pretty excited about the idea (his hair already is very “Flynn Rider-ish”, so all he needed to do was grow the goatee & we were half-way there!) I found a Rapunzel crown on Amazon & we decided to have Flynn Rider arrive
The moment was amazing – I cried (being a Mom has made me such an overly emotional human being – the littlest things push me over the edge). It was so sweet to see the look on Braelynn’s face when Derrick came down the stairs & I have the feeling she’ll be keeping that crown for the rest of her life. I hope that every time she looks at it, she remembers just how much her Daddy loves her – enough to dress up like one of her favorite characters for her birthday!
Auntie Emma painted this picture straight out of the movie for Braelynn! We had her open it first because it was a piece of our decor (in other words, it’s still sitting on our mantle) – I can’t wait to hang it up in Braelynn’s bedroom though! I seriously have the most talented sisters!
I’m not sure who was more excited for presents – Braelynn or Alethea! Oh my – her 1st birthday is coming up soon & it’s going to be SO MUCH FUN!
Auntie Ellen & Uncle Jonathan got Braelynn a Pascal (he’s Rapunzel’s companion in the movie) – he was obviously an instant hit & has been by Braelynn’s side pretty much constantly since the party!
One of Braelynn’s “big” gifts from Mommy & Daddy was this huge kitchen set! We also gave her an easel with a ton of art stuff – but the kitchen set was definitely the winner!
And of course, we had to take a few photos of the babies! Aren’t they the sweetest things? They laid together for a long time (as we all went crazy over how adorable they are & how they’re going to be bestest friends)!
Then we grabbed Alethea & stuck her in the photo (these are the 3 babies that were born in 2018) – we snapped this photo right before she punched Leah in the face (oops). It’s going to be so much fun watching these 3 grow up together so close in age!
It was definitely one of the most fun parties we have thrown yet (and now I’m afraid we’ve set the bar pretty high – oops).
I wonder what Braelynn’s 5th birthday will look like? She is already talking about what she wants for her birthday “next year”, but I keep telling her it’s a long way off & we aren’t rushing it!
[…] a birthday cake – which I now 100% leave up to her – or cutting out 937 intricate sunshines for Braelynn’s 4th birthday party decorations). She remains Braelynn’s favorite Auntie (although, Auntie Amy has definitely come close to […]
[…] written (apparently, I’ve really slacked off some years!)Braelynn’s 5th Birthday: PAW PatrolBraelynn’s 4th Birthday: Rapunzel (still my very favorite party ever)Braelynn’s 1st Birthday […]