serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Blake & Ashley // Monroeville, PA Community Park // Proposal

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Diamond Ring

7,000 petals.
That’s how many Blake brought to litter the walkway leading down to the gazebo, where he would be waiting to pop the question to his girlfriend, Ashley.

The wedding gazebo at Community Park in Monroeville, Pennsylvania was the perfect location for Blake to pull off his big surprise. Having conspired with his & Ashley’s closest friends, he set his plan into motion. Ashley was with her girlfriends for the day. They were having a “Girl’s Day”: getting pampered with pedicures & manicures, dressing up, and going out to a fancy dinner.

Meanwhile, Blake was setting things up at the gazebo with a few friends of his own. Candles, flowers, petals – which no one realized needed separated – a personal chef, and a candlelit dinner at sunset were all on the menu for the evening. At one point, while everything was being set up, Ashley called Blake – just to say hi and see what he was up to. He played it cool and made up the excuse that he was at the gun range with the buddies, but he’d talk to her later on.

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement PrepMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement PrepMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement PrepMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement PrepMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Prep

Blake had instructed Ashley’s girlfriends to “get lost” on the way to the restaurant. They’d then just happen to see a park they could pull into to turn around. That’s when they’d pull up to the gazebo and send Ashley down the path, where Blake would be waiting [and I would be hiding].

The plan couldn’t have gone any better. But I think that’s a story the images tell pretty well. I still get goosebumps and tears in my eyes every time I look thru this series of images – what an incredible moment!

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement PrepMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement

Of course, she said yes!
And then their friends joined them for congratulations and the truth came out about “girl’s day” and “getting lost”.

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement

I just have to brag on Ashley a little bit: this girl was simply overflowing with joy – I mean, yes of course, she had just gotten engaged, so of course she would be happy! But, I get the feeling that she’s one of those happy-all-the-time, bubbly & giggly types who you desperately want to be best friends with because her happy attitude is so contagious!
And, she couldn’t stop looking at that big shiney ring!

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement

While their friends helped Chef Lisa set up for dinner, we took a little bit of time to celebrate being engaged with a mini-engagement session! They literally could not stop smiling – it made my heart so so happy!

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal EngagementMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement

How’s this for a romantic dinner for two?

Monroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner DetailsMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner DetailsMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner DetailsMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner DetailsMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner DetailsMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner DetailsMonroeville, PA Community Park Wedding Gazebo Marriage Proposal Engagement Dinner Details

Shooting a proposal has been on my photography bucket-list for so long and I was SO excited to be a part of Blake & Ashley’s special moment! It was too much fun not to do again though! So, guys, if you are planning to propose to your lovely lady, let me know & I’d be more than happy to hide behind a bush while you pop the question & capture every moment!

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