serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Ben & Caitlin // Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA

Ben & Caitlin – June 23, 2018
Phipps Conservatory Wedding

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute Building

Ben had been in China for a few weeks & was home for a short period of time before returning to Penn State to continue his sophomore year of college. One night, his Mom came downstairs around 1am to find her son still awake and FaceTiming with a girl. She said that right then, she knew: this was it.

Ben & Caitlin met at Penn State their freshman year. Caitlin is from Texas and originally wanted to go to college for forensic science. Since Penn State is rated one of the top schools in the country for forensics, she came to Pennsylvania.

When Caitlin came to Penn State, she only knew one person: another guy from Texas, who just happened to live on the same floor as Ben. As that first semester started, both Caitlin & Ben found themselves in a particularly challenging science class & since Caitlin recognized Ben from living on the same floor as her friend, she asked him if he’d be interested in studying with her. Of course, you can probably fill in the blanks to figure out that the rest is history!

Fast forward about 3 years & Ben knew he wanted to propose. Everyone around them knew it too – their friends and family all knew that it was just a matter of time before this friendship that Ben & Caitlin so vehemently defended as “just friendship” for so long, was way more than that. Shortly before Christmas, Ben took Caitlin out to a fancy dinner in Pittsburgh and then on to a Penguin game. As the game ended, Ben took Caitlin up onto Mt. Washington where he popped the question. And of course, Caitlin said yes!

This past Saturday, Ben & Caitlin got married at the amazing Phipps Conservatory and had their reception at Cambria Inn & Suites. It was a day filled with emotion, laughter, and two families who very obviously adore Ben & Caitlin – joining together to celebrate!

Ben & Caitlin – thank you so much for trusting me and inviting me in to capture the memories of your amazing wedding day! We had to dodge raindrops, but the entire day was such a joy to be a part of! I wish you all the best as you continue on with more school out in Philadelphia!

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & Suites

Caitlin and her girls got ready over at Cambria in a huge suite & it was such an elegant start to the day.

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & SuitesPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & Suites

Caitlin!! Ugh, I’m still dying over how gorgeous you are!

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Getting Ready Details at Cambria Inn & Suites

I’m a bit obsessed with this shot of Caitlin & all of her girls heading in Phipps!

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PAPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events HallPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA in the Special Events Hall

The staff a Phipps was so kind to let us take some photos in the Tropical Forest Conservatory which is right next to the Special Events Hall where Ben & Caitlin got married! It was technically a room that was open to the public, but they were gracious enough to let us snag a few photos there before leaving!

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest Conservatory

I know everyone is just dying over Caitlin’s bouquet – everyone was! It was so gigantic & vibrant – a real show stopper! Bloomin’ Genius in Greensburg really outdid themselves!

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest ConservatoryPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits in the Tropical Forest Conservatory

On our way back to Cambria for the reception, we stopped off at the Mellon Institute building for more portraits. And we couldn’t have picked a better location as it started raining right after we arrived!

Phipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingPhipps Conservatory Wedding in Pittsburgh, PA - Portraits at Mellon Institute BuildingCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding Reception

So, if Caitlin’s bouquet stole the show during the ceremony, the cake from Bethel Bakery definitely stole the show at the reception!

Cambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding Reception

Parent dances are always very emotional, but I think everyone was getting teary-eyed when Ben danced with his Mom – including his Dad! It was such a sweet moment!

Cambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionCambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA Wedding ReceptionHuge shout-out and thank you to the amazing team of vendors, as well as friends & family, who helped make Ben & Caitlin’s wedding day absolutely perfect!

Ceremony Venue: Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh, PA – Special Events Hall
Reception Venue: Cambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA
Catering: Cambria Inn & Suites in Pittsburgh, PA
Bridal Gown Designer: Allure Bridals
Bridal Gown Retailer: Formalities in Bellefonte, PA
Hair & Makeup: Mock Makeup in Pittsburgh, PA
Florist: Blooming Genius in Greensburg, PA
Bakery: Bethel Bakery in Bethel Park, PA
Engagement Ring Designer: Zales
Her Wedding Band Designer: La4ve in New York City, NY
His Wedding Band Designer: Tallie Jewelry in New York City, NY
DJ: Party Time Productions in Pittsburgh, PA
Photographer: Kara Abbey Photography in Irwin, PA

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