When you go off to college, oftentimes your interests and hobbies will determine the community you find yourself in. You typically become fast friends with other students in the same major, with similar pastimes, and beliefs.
And that is precisely how Andrew and Lauren met – at college, in a group that brought Catholic students together.
They very quickly realized how much they had in common – not just their faith, but their love of art and music, they loved swing dancing, and going on adventures! With so many mutual interests, mixed with the sweet foundation of friendship and the amazing circle of friends they had around them, you can imagine how easy it was for Andrew to ask Lauren out on a date.
But that’s where the story stops being cookie-cutter and easy.
Because after dating for a while, Andrew and Lauren decided to part ways.
Andrew was seriously considering several different paths for his life and they both realized that he needed time and space.
And so two years went by – two years where they both found themselves thinking of the other person and missing the relationship they’d had.
Which is where the goose-bump part of the story comes in – because two years after they’d stopped dating, they found themselves working at the same job.
And well, the rest is history.
This time, when Andrew asked Lauren out, they both knew exactly where things were headed.
Fast forward in time – and Andrew asked Lauren’s parent’s permission to marry their daughter. And he was so excited by their answer, that he told Lauren. He wasn’t ready to propose yet, but he just couldn’t keep it to himself and there was only one person he wanted to tell.
Needless to say, when Andrew suggested they go out to dinner at the Melting Pot one evening, Lauren was a little suspicious.
And when Andrew showed up at her door to pick her up in a new shirt and new pants, Lauren became a little bit more suspicious.
And after dinner, when Andrew suggested they take a sunset walk around Point State Park, she became quite a lot suspicious.
As they strolled around the Point, they arrived at a particular place where mysteriously a large bouquet of flowers and a stunning engagement ring had been placed (all arrangements Andrew had made with a friend!) And that’s where Andrew proposed.
And it was perfect.
Just like this past Saturday – which was finally the big day, when all the pieces fell together for a stunning, wonderful, joyful wedding day.
All the emotions hit just the right notes, every moment was savored and soaked up, and as all wedding days do, the day flew by faster than the speed of light.
Lauren – words do not do justice just how radiant you were!
It’s such a little moment, but honestly it is one of my favorites of the whole day – Andrew’s little fist-pumping “YES” as they were introduced as the new “Mr. and Mrs.” – so sweet and triumphant. If it would have been “proper” in church, I am convinced he would have punched his fist in the air and shouted at the top of his lungs!
If you want to feel extra celebrated on your wedding day – just take a walk down the streets of Pittsburgh! All the honks and cheers are guaranteed to take things up a notch!
Andrew and Lauren’s group of bridesmaids and groomsmen were so much fun – so supportive and celebratory!
As swing dancers – Andrew and Lauren’s first dance was EPIC. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced guests give the bride and groom a STANDING OVATION at the end of their first dance (and I’ve seen some really amazing first dances!)
Andrew and Lauren did the traditional Mother/Son and Father/Daughter dances – but then Lauren invited her Grandfather to the floor for a special dance and it was such an emotional moment!
In lieu of cake, Andrew and Lauren brought in ice cream for everyone! Their guests went crazy over it (some guests telling me that they were headed back up for seconds and thirds because it was so good!)
After the sun showed off a bit at sunset, the party REALLY got started – I’m convinced these guests would have continued dancing for hours if they had been allowed!
Private last dances are my favorite.
Instead of sparklers or fireworks, Andrew and Lauren did a bubble exit to cap off the night!
Huge shout-out and thank you to the amazing team of vendors, as well as friends & family, who helped make Andrew & Lauren’s wedding day absolutely perfect!
Ceremony Venue: St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh, PA
Reception Venue: Twelve Oaks Mansion in Mars, PA
Venue Coordinator: Leigh Santa
Catering: Twelve Oaks Mansion in Mars, PA
Ice Cream Bar: NatuRoll Creamery in Pittsburgh, PA
Hair Stylist: MCN Salon in Pittsburgh, PA
Florals: Hearts and Flowers Floral Design Studio in Allison Park, PA
Bridal Gown: House of Couture Designs in Pittsburgh, PA
Bridesmaid’s Gowns: JJ’s House
Groom and Groomsmen Attire: Men’s Warehouse
Her Wedding Ring: Garcia Jewelers in Pittsburgh, PA
His Wedding Ring: Zales
Engagement Ring: James Allen
DJ: DJ Lazz of Dahntahn Entertainment in Pittsburgh, PA
Photographer: Kara Abbey Photography in Irwin, PA