As roller coaster enthusiasts – ONE roller coaster permeated the news at the beginning of 2023: ArieForce One – a Rocky Mountain Construction roller coaster that was built at Fun Spot America in Atlanta, GA.
If you are into roller coasters, this ride was likely at the top of your “Must Ride in 2023” list – it was on ours!
We only spent a few hours at Fun Spot America in Atlanta – this is a CRAZY place. I found it interesting from a business perspective (as a wedding photographer and running my own business for 14 years, I found it to be a really fascinating business “case” to consider: “What does it look like to build a MAJOR roller coaster at a park known for it’s go-karts and arcade?”)
ArieForce One was a really fun ride. Unfortunately my second ride was tainted by fear that I was going to get a broken nose from the guests on their ride with their phones out – but let’s just say: compared to Lightning Rod at Dollywood (which we rode the day before), ArieForce One is a much better, smoother ride!
Of course, what is a post without photos? Here are a few of the highlights of our day from just “big” camera (I have a Canon R6). (Apparently I was too busy vlogging to take any photos on my phone!)