Have you heard of these new-fangled things called “wedding albums”?
They are a revolutionary way of getting your gorgeous, fabulous wedding images off of your computer, phone, and hard drive and into your hands in physical form! It’s AMAZING.
Okay – all silliness aside: in today’s day and age of virtual everything, there is just something precious about physical products. Having something tangible to hold in your hands, to feel, to smell, to enjoy, is absolutely delightful.
And what better way to remember your Day 1 – this huge milestone in your life – than with a physical, beautiful, leather-bound, heirloom-quality wedding album?
Guess what? Even if you got married 10 years ago (yes, I now have couples who are celebrating a full decade of marriage) and never have gotten around to having a wedding album created, we can still do that! There is no time like the present (what an incredible anniversary gift a wedding album would be!) Let’s chat soon and we can make one of these stunning books a reality for your family!
Deb and Bill made things super easy on themselves and simply added a wedding album into their photography package. That way, as soon as their wedding photos were delivered, we jumped straight into the album-design-process! Within just a few weeks, I was meeting up with them to deliver this beautiful, custom-designed, heirloom album.
I must say: I love how each wedding album I design is so completely different. I know a lot of photographers choose the images that they think should go into an album for the initial album design (this cuts down on the “overwhelm” that can grip a bride and groom after their wedding day in having to sit down and choose 100 images for their album out of 1,000+ that were delivered). But I have never done it that way: I allow my couples to choose their images first and then I design the album around those images.
This way, each album is 100% unique and personalized to each couple.
And you can clearly see that in Deb and Bill’s album: they told me in planning their wedding, and then it was very clear on their wedding day, that their FAMILY were the most important things on their wedding day. And you can see that beautifully portrayed in their album! The focus of the book is not on the details or aesthetic of the day, but on their precious family, and I absolutely LOVE that.