Highlight of the Week
Valentine’s Day was this week! I know a lot of people really hate the “holiday” (Derrick used to be one of those people – he would complain every year about it being a day created by Hallmark) but I don’t know, I kind of like it. I’m a low-key Valentine’s Day kind of person though – think little gifts, little notes, something a little out of the ordinary for dessert. Needless to say, I had no idea that Valentine’s Day was such a big deal to some people! Maybe it’s just the rise of Social Media & people always feeling like they have to “top” other people, but I woke up to my Social Media feeds clogged with photos of elaborate set ups, big fancy breakfasts, and over-the-top celebrations. I like Valentine’s Day, but I don’t like it quite that much!
So, like I said, we did a low-key Valentine’s Day & it was wonderful. Braelynn got a few little presents, she drew “Love Day” cards for Derrick & I, we gave Leander a couple (hundred) extra kisses – it was a good day.
Yes, This Happened
- Tuesday was once again my favorite day of the month: Tuesday’s Together! If you aren’t familiar, Tuesday’s Together is a world-wide “event” planned out by the Rising Tide Society. It’s a group of creative entrepreneurs who’s mantra is “Community Over Competition”. Our goal is to simply gather and encourage one another over a central topic every month. This month’s topic was Client Communications & once again, it was amazing. And once again I left encouraged & renewed & bursting with new ideas to implement in my business!
- Between Tuesday’s Together one evening and a wedding photography meeting another, it felt like Derrick was in charge of holding down the fort at home more than usual! (I mean, he was, but I really felt it.) He did such a good job – fed Leander bottles, entertained Braelynn & then got her to bed – he’s a good Daddy (and getting more confident with this “two-kid” thing).
- Leander has officially graduated from the bathroom sink-baths, to the kitchen sink-baths! For a while, he fit so much better in our bathroom sink (and we used so much less water) than our kitchen sink (which is huge), but no more! He has definitely outgrown the bathroom & has graduated to the kitchen! Seriously, is there anything cuter than a baby getting a bath in the sink?
Feeling Blessed
We made our first official road trip of the year! So many “firsts” accomplished – our first trip with 2 kiddos, Leander’s first time in the car for 5+ hours, my first time taking 2 kids into a public restroom to change one’s diaper and let the other use the potty, Leander’s first night away from home! The good news is we survived all of it! Leander did really well in the car (he really only fussed a bit during the last 30 minutes of the ride, which would have been 10 minutes shorter if we hadn’t needed to take a detour due to the road being closed). So needless to say, we are kind of flying high, feeling like we’re crushing this parenting thing at the moment! Don’t worry, I know it will all come crashing down pretty soon (Leander has already blown out of 2 diapers – disposable diapers are a joke – and Braelynn was up at 5am (after going to bed at 10pm) – so a breakdown from her is imminent) but it’s okay! We can do this! It’s challenging, but fun!
Derrick just kept laughing at me in the car, because I kept looking over my shoulder to peek at the baby in the mirror, & he kept teasing me because apparently I had a big smile on my face. When I asked him why he was teasing me, he said it was because it seemed like I was just so happy to be bringing the baby along. I remember the same feeling with Braelynn. It’s just so fun to bring these little people along on adventures with us (even if it’s just a simple weekend trip to visit Derrick’s parents). Life is fun.