Highlight of the Week
This past Tuesday was my favorite day of the month – the day of our Tuesday’s Together meeting! My sweet friend Tiffany leads this once-a-month meeting of creative entrepreneurs & the goal is to network, encourage one another, and chat about a centralized business topic.
This month’s topic was “Time Management” & Tiffany asked if I would put together a presentation for the group. I have to be honest, I had a ton of fun digging into this one. Looking at the habits I’ve put into place within my life & business and learning new ones thru the process of learning more about this topic – it’s been a good month.
We had a spectacular turnout & had a ton of fun (as usual – I mean, it’s my favorite day of the month!) If you are a creative entrepreneur in the Greensburg/Irwin area & would like to join us – we’d love to have you! Just send me a message & I’ll get you all the details of our next meeting!
Yes, This Happened
- So, Braelynn & Leander have been sick all week. It’s been rough. They’ve both had really bad colds & coughs – boo. Thankfully, there wasn’t much going on this week & we were able to spend most of our days at home, relaxing & resting. They’ve both recovered from their runny noses, but the coughs are still lingering – why do coughs seem to hold on for ever??
- Our washing machine is still broken. Someone is coming to take a look at it on Tuesday – fingers crossed that it’s a simple repair & we can be back up & running quickly! You never realize just how much you miss something (like a washing machine) until it’s unaccessible – it’s been a long 2 weeks.
- Last weekend, we traveled up to where we used to live (where Derrick’s parents still live) – we went to see their new house, to visit, and so I could shoot a wedding. I also held a day of “mini-sessions” for my past clients – I shot 7 sessions & got to catch up with 7 amazing families (most of whom I photographed their weddings!) After I shot another family session this week – I currently have a wedding (with 2 photographer’s images) and 8 family sessions to edit – WHEW!
- There is a pretty big event coming up next week – any guesses as to what that might be?
Feeling Blessed
This weekend is our last weekend at our Lake House on Deep Creek Lake in Maryland. We have spent more time here this summer than any summer before & it’s been amazing. We have truly treasured the extended, restful times we have spent here this year. And, somehow, it’s already mid-October & it’s time to close up the house for winter & say goodbye to our weekends away. It’s always slightly depressing & sad to say “Goodbye” to our summer getaway – my Mom has already put up the 2020 calendar & is counting down the days until we can come back.
(Just in case you’re wondering, Deep Creek Lake sits up in the mountains of Maryland & they get quite a bit of snow here. It also gets really cold & our Lake House isn’t exactly “winter-proof” – we do have heat, but the pipes aren’t protected enough to warrant keeping the heat on & the house open all year long. So, every fall, we winterize everything, close it all up, and say, “See you next spring!”)
So, we’re all sad this weekend, cleaning & packing everything up, but what an amazing blessing it is to have such a precious place to be sad over.