serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Sixteen

Black Lab and Canon Camera in Irwin, PA

Highlight of the Week

Ahh vacation. Why must you go by so incredibly fast?
Wednesday was officially our last day of vacation (well, Braelynn & I’s last day, Derrick’s last day was Monday). We did so many fun things – but I’m kind of in denial that it’s already over! I have lots of photos & stories to share (look for that this coming week!) but until then, just know that it was perfect (even though dreadfully hot) and we had the most splendid time.

In fact, Braelynn was so “in tune” with the idea of “vacation” that on Thursday (we had been home less than 24 hours) she asked me, “Mommy, when can we go on vacation again?” Her favorite parts of being away were going to the beach (she’s definitely a natural little mermaid), riding the “big” roller coaster at Busch Gardens, and getting to hang with Auntie Ruby every single day.

Yes, This Happened

  • I am now 26 weeks pregnant & baby boy is approximately as big as a head of kale.
  • I’ve been feeling baby boy’s movement since Father’s Day (I was about 14 weeks), but so far, I haven’t been able to get Derrick or Braelynn to feel anything. Well – on Labor Day, they officially felt the little guy! He was super active the morning of Labor Day, punching & kicking like crazy (I could see my belly moving) so I called them over & they were both able to feel it! It was so fun to see Braelynn’s eyes light up as she felt her baby brother kick!
  • On our way home from vacation, my Mom & sister, Braelynn & I stopped at Hobby Lobby (otherwise known as the-best-store-ever). We only make the trip to Hobby Lobby about once a year since the two closest locations are each about an hour away. I was so excited to pick up some Christmas presents (definitely have to get a jump on that this year!) and to pick up the first pieces of decor for baby boy’s room! I’m so excited to begin planning a nursery & decorating it (although that process won’t can’t really begin until the beginning of October, September is just packed to the brim). When I was pregnant with Braelynn, we were living “in limbo” (otherwise known as my parent’s house), so I didn’t have a space to decorate or “nest” in as a nursery – so I’m super excited for the next few weeks to work on transforming Derrick’s office space (and our guest room) into the nursery!
  • Braelynn went with me to my routine doctor’s appointment yesterday! She was going to spend the morning with my Mom, but my Mom wasn’t feeling well, so she just came along! She was such a good girl & was so excited to hear her little brother’s heartbeat!! I love that she’s just old enough to actually be (sort of) understanding as to the baby in my belly & how she’s getting a baby brother soon – she’s so sweet & going to be the absolute best big sister!

Feeling Blessed

Derrick & I are off to shoot another wedding today! The rain has been “chasing” us all season long – I think of all the weddings I’ve photographed this year, there has only been one solidly “clear” (weather-wise) wedding day. Every wedding day just seems to have this huge threat of rain looming over it! Thankfully, we’ve successfully avoided the rain every-single-time (it’s actually mind-blowing to me how close we’ve come in some situations to being down poured on!) I thought for sure that the last wedding I photographed would be a solid rain day period (they were predicting 100% chance of rain all afternoon), but when the ceremony ended & we looked outside, it was sunny out (literally mind-blowing). So, of course, today is no different. There is a huge chance of rain all day long. Will today be the day that the rain finally catches up to us & we finally have to break out the umbrellas? I really really hope not, but we shall see – stay tuned!! No matter what, it’s going to be a fabulous wedding day & I am so excited to celebrate with Rachel & Tyler (they have the most goosebump-inducing story, I cannot wait for you guys to hear this one!!)

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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