Highlight of the Week
This week was a BIG week in the Abbey house!
Leander turned ONE year old this week!
I am still struggling to wrap my brain around the fact that my sweet baby boy is a whole year old – but the big birthday party we hosted last night definitely helped! But let me back up: Leander’s birthday was this past Tuesday & we celebrated by going out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (the waitresses even came by & sang to him – it was so sweet!) & then we had a smidge of cake afterward when we got home. I say a “smidge” because, technically, he should eat his first cake at his birthday party. But since his party wasn’t for another 3 days, we decided to give him his first taste of cake on his actual birthday. He loved it and we loved watching him love it!
Yes, This Happened
- Since Derrick’s Dad is in Africa for the next few weeks, we brought his Mom home with us after we were there visiting for Thanksgiving last week! She spent the entire week with us (once again, can we talk about how amazing it is to have that 3rd floor space for a guest room??) and we had such a fun time! Braelynn especially was in heaven – having spent the last 10 days with Nana. She went home this morning & let’s just say, we’re going thru a bit of withdrawal tonight. Braelynn cried when Nana left & just keeps saying, “Mommy, I miss Nana so much.” It was truly wonderful to spend a ton of relaxed, extended time with her & to have her here for Leander’s birthday party!
- We did some fun things while Nana was here – first on our list was to take her to Kennywood for Holiday Lights, but alas, we got some really crappy weather last Sunday evening & Kennywood didn’t even open. So, that idea got (unfortunately) scratched. We did go out to eat for Leander’s birthday. Braelynn, Leander, Nana & I spent a day out & about, doing some Christmas shopping. And then on Thursday, Derrick took the day off & we went into Pittsburgh! Nana said she had never been in downtown Pittsburgh before, so we figured, why not go downtown & do a little sightseeing?
- First up, what better way to get a beautiful view of the city than via the Duquesne Incline. I’ve ridden the incline before, but it’s been (probably at least) 20 years or so. Derrick, his Mom, and obviously our kids have never ridden it before, so the whole experience was pretty “new” for all of us. We had a blast! We loved the charm of the old station, we rode the incline up (and had the whole car to ourselves). We looked around the station at the top, went outside & braved the cold to see the city from the observation deck, and then rode the incline back down. Leander loved the experience! He stood at the window & chattered excitedly up a storm the whole time!
- From there, we went to Market Square to see the big Christmas tree! I’ve never seen the tree downtown, so that was a really fun experience! It was freezing cold though, so we didn’t stand around & look at it too long.
- Then, it was lunch time, so what restaurant could we take Nana to that just says: “Pittsburgh”? Primanti Brothers of course! The restaurant was absolutely packed, but we loved our food & the kids loved the atmosphere. And then, cold & tired, we simply headed home. That was enough downtown Pittsburgh for us for a while!
- Leander had his 1-year checkup with Dr. H this week! I love our doctor, he’s so sweet & his staff is so friendly, so personable, and small – in other words, the same nurses that were there when we started going there are still there. We walked into the office & pretty much everyone came running out to see us: the receptionist, the nurses, even Dr. H! Everyone was talking to Leander, commenting on how big he is, and of course, complimenting his amazing hair. He was smiling at everyone & having a grand time – when they told me I needed to update this one form. One of the nurses said, “Can I hold him while you do that?” I said sure & handed him over – instant mood change. Leander went from being a happy, smiley baby, to instantly having a massive pout & diving headfirst into panic-mode. I’ve never heard him cry like he cried at the doctor’s office on Thursday morning! It broke my heart!! How dare I hand my sweet baby boy over to anyone else to hold? Oy, it was awful. I took him back, but he truly didn’t calm down until after his exam when we were walking out the door. Oh well – hopefully the experience doesn’t scar him for life in regards to the doctor’s office!
- Today, we celebrated Leander’s cousin Leah’s first birthday! They were born just 2 days apart, so it’s been so sweet this past year to watch them grow & reach milestones together! They aren’t quite bestest buds yet, but give it a few more years & I’m sure they will be!
Feeling Blessed
Speaking of birthdays (and as a continuation from the first paragraph above): last night, we hosted a grand total of 31 people in our house for Leander’s birthday party – dinner, cake & ice cream, and gifts! Lest you think that we live in some sort of big mansion with lots of space for entertaining: we don’t. We literally rearranged our entire first floor to make everyone fit (and I still feel like people were sitting on top of one another). It was so fun though! I mean, I found it fun! We ate lasagna, cupcakes & ice cream, and Leander now has enough toys to open his own toy store! I am going to write a whole post all about his birthday, but for now, just know that it was amazing & so much fun & we are so so so blessed.