serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Five

Black Lab with Kennywood Season Pass Lanyard in Irwin, PA

Highlight of the Week

Wednesday was such a wonderful surprise mail day that I still can’t get over it!! Can you believe that I got two separate boxes of goodies from two separate couples?!
The first I had a small heads up about: Phoebe & Matt wrote me a note & told me to keep an eye on my mail on Wednesday. So when I saw a FedEx truck driving very slowly around my neighborhood, I figured that was it! And sure enough, an absolutely delightful box of CUPCAKES was left on my front doorstep!! I still can’t believe how darling & delicious they are (believe it or not, we haven’t devoured the entire box yet – even though Braelynn definitely would have been game to try – I’ve been savoring them!) I was so surprised & am still just overwhelmed by their love!
And then, to top off the day, I got another box a few hours later!! This one came from an Etsy shop & had an adorable tote-bag & mug packaged inside – however! There was no note as to who this one was from! We literally tore the contest of that box apart looking for some clue as to who it was from & found nothing. So, I turned to social media & asked who sent me such a delightful surprise! It took a few days, but finally, the culprit came forward & it was Katie & Casey who’s wedding I’m shooting in 2 weeks!

Yes, This Happened

  • I am now 15 weeks pregnant & baby is the size of an apple.
  • Braelynn & I got to babysit little Miss Alethea yesterday morning! Ellen had a doctor’s appointment & since my Mom was attending a presentation my brother was in at the community college – we got to watch her! She is such a good baby! Braelynn was so excited to have her over – we had to give her a full tour of our house (including extra time spent in her bedroom as she showed her all of her toys & read her some books). Derrick’s office doubles as our guest room & so when we went in there, Braelynn showed Alethea how she jumps on the bed. She told me to, “Put her down Mom!” I asked why & she responded, “So she can jump on the bed too!”
  • This week has been one of my best weeks (how-I’m-feeling-pregnancy-wise) & equally one of my worst – meaning 6 out of the 7 days of the week I’ve felt really good. I’ve felt some energy returning that I haven’t felt in ages, had enough gumption to actually clean the house, and just have been feeling good in general. But, then there was Thursday: literally one of the very worst days of my entire pregnancy so far. I was so so sick, had a pounding headache, and literally could not get up off the couch. Why? I wish I knew! Friday morning dawned & I was back to feeling my better, normal self. I just hope that that was the last “hoorah” of morning sickness & we can officially move on!!
  • Tuesday night, we had a picnic with all the families we attend a family Bible study with – it was so much fun to hang out & eat hot dogs & watch the kiddos run around with each other!

Feeling Blessed

Seriously you guys, I know I always say this, but if Wednesday wasn’t hard evidence enough, I don’t know what is! I photograph the absolute BEST couples in the entire world & I love them all (and obviously, some of them really love me in return!) I am so blessed to do this job of “wedding photographer” & create these amazing relationships with such incredible people!
Speaking of which: I’m off to photograph another wedding! I can’t wait to tell the story of how I came about booking this one – it’s kind of crazy how it all went down!!

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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