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Abby’s Saturday // Two Hundred And Fifty-One

Abby's Saturday #251 Happy Father's Day from Deep Creek Lake, MD

Highlight of the Week

It’s been a busy week. Whenever there is something going on every single day, the week just seems to fly by so much faster. In some ways, I love it, but in others – I find myself staying awake until after midnight, trying to get stuff accomplished & panicking on Friday afternoon that there aren’t enough hours in my day.

Derrick’s birthday was this week! And his birthday always seems to be the unofficial start of summer. We celebrated by going to Tuesday’s Together (see below). But really, we celebrated the day before his birthday with steak & cherry pie (per his request). And then the day after his birthday, we celebrated by going to Kennywood & riding some roller coasters.

Yes, This Happened

  • Like I said, this past Tuesday was my favorite day of the month! Our Tuesday’s Together meetings are the second Tuesday of every month & gosh darn do I love getting together with our group of amazing entrepreneurs. It’s always so much fun to catch up with everyone & talk about business stuff. This month’s topic was “video marketing”, and since no one in our group is really a master of video, we invited Derrick to come & be our guest speaker. With the success of his YouTube channel – he was the perfect person to give everyone some pointers on video. In fact, he hit 2,000 subscribers to his channel on his birthday – which is a pretty awesome milestone!! (If you are reading this and are not a subscriber to his channel, why not?)
  • Another big event of the week was my brother Steve’s (second) graduation party! He had a small party at the Lake House a few weeks ago for the friends we have at Deep Creek, and then this week was a small party at home for the family & friends in Pennsylvania. A big storm blew thru about an hour before his party, but just as everything was starting, the sun came out & it turned out to be a beautiful evening! It’s so hard to believe that my little brother has graduated from high school! He’s such a cool, mature, fun (handsome) guy – and obviously everyone just adores him – but especially Braelynn. She calls him “Uncle Cheese”.
  • Leander had his 6 month check-up this week! Of course, everyone wants to know how much he weighs. He’s quite the chunk! If you recall, when I had him at his 4 month check-up, they told me he weighed 21 pounds! That was hard to believe, but what was I supposed to do? Ask them to weigh him again? So, this week when I took him, they told me he weighs 18 pounds (which is definitely much more likely). The nurse who was inputting everything to his chart was like, “Uhhh, did he go down in weight?” I just shrugged. She looked at him & said, “He’s obviously not starving – we must have inputted his weight incorrectly last time you were here.” So, who knows! All I know is that Dr. H. says he is a super healthy little dude & that’s all that matters.
  • We introduced Leander to applesauce this week – talk about hilarity!! The first day that we gave it to him, he made the most outrageous faces – it was absolutely hilarious! He’s gotten used to it though and now he gobbles it right down. Next up, we’re going to try bananas.
  • We made our first “regular season” trip to Kennywood this week. After all the amusement parks we went to last week, we were going thru a little roller coaster withdrawal. Derrick was hoping that they’d be putting the last piece of the new coaster: Steel Curtain, in while we were there, but nope. They finished it up on Friday morning, before the park even opened – so we’re all getting super excited to hopefully see the trains on the track testing this coming week!

Feeling Blessed

This week, I finished editing all of our photos from vacation last week & we just had the best time. I can’t wait to write a post all about our time away (I came up with a great title: “2 Kids, 3 States, 4 Parks, 5 Days” – so good, right?). I feel like I have to preface it though by saying, “Warning, professionals within a closed stunt course. Do not try this at home.” Everyone we’ve told about our trip just gives us this crazy grin & doesn’t quite know what to say beyond, “Oh, that’s nice.” We’re definitely on the crazy side to take a 4 year old and a 6 month old to 4 different amusement parks across 3 different states. But we literally had the most amazing time. In fact, we are seriously trying to figure out how we can go on another similar excursion next month! It seems like the perfect time to go for it – we have Six Flag Memberships & my wedding year is on the slower side, so why not?

Happy Father’s Day to Derrick & all the Dad’s out there!! I know it’s slightly cliche to say, but I seriously have the best Dad’s in my life: Derrick’s Dad, my own Dad, and Derrick – all such sweet, caring, thoughtful, amazing men who love their kiddos with all of their hearts – I am so blessed.

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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


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