- This is what 71º looks like on January 11, 2020!
- I had really wanted to take this particular photo back at the end of summer – when we first got our marvelous swing set (if you missed that story, go back & read it here – it’s a good one). But, things got in the way & summer rolled into fall, which rolled into winter, and here we are in January. But – when the temperature was predicted to reach 71º today – I just knew that we had to take this photo today. It’s so crazy that we had our windows open & were playing outside without coats on in January! What happened to winter?
- I told a really humorous (but semi-stressful) story on Tuesday night, did you read it?
- Since today was such a warm summer-like day, we cooked burgers on the grill & made broccoli salad (the most summer-like meal we could think of!) Since I’m really trying to stick to my THM lifestyle, I made these to eat my burger on instead of traditional buns – and guess what? They were delicious!
- I have finally started working on my new website design!! I’m quite rusty when it comes to all the knobs & wheels & buttons that there are to spin & push & move when it comes to building a brand new website (I haven’t done anything except update some photos in 3 years?), but I’m excited to say: I think I’m finally getting somewhere! It’s hard, and there is so much to do, but it feels good to finally be off & started! Now, I just need to find about 10-12 hours of time to dedicate to it & I think I might be close to publishing! Ay yi yi..
- Leander has been making great strides (ba-dum-chhhh) in the walking department this week!! I caught him several times taking one or two steps between the furniture (usually when no one was paying attention & he wasn’t really thinking about it either), I finally caught him on video taking 2 steps to go from my office chair to my camera bag, and then just yesterday & today he’s been getting more & more brave, taking 3, 4, 5, even 6 independent steps all by himself – much to our sheer delight! It’s absolutely incredible to watch this whole process & see how much stronger he gets, how much more balance he achieves, and how much more confidence he exudes as each day passes!
- Speaking of Leander – the poor little dude came down with a stomach bug on Monday morning. It is seriously the saddest thing in the entire world to watch your own kids be sick. It was a super quick bug though – and by dinner time he was pretty much back to normal. Thankfully, no one else has gotten sick! We did stay home the entire week though (except for one quick trip to the grocery store) just to work on building immune systems back up & making sure we wouldn’t pick anything else up. Literally the entire world seems to be sick right now, so if I feel like, if there isn’t anywhere I need to go, I’m just going to stay home with my kiddos.
- We officially said “Goodbye” to Netflix this week! With so many streaming services now, it feels so weird to have to pick & choose which ones we want to subscribe to (I feel like it was just yesterday when there was just one streaming service: Netflix!) We have Amazon Prime, and (of course) we have Disney+, so our Netflix seemed to just be sitting there, not getting watched! So, we pulled the plug. Of course, right when we did, the new season of Lost in Space (a Netflix original show) dropped, so we had to quickly watch that before our subscription ended (thankfully, it only had 10 episodes in it’s season) – but yeah! No more Netflix!
[…] into October, and suddenly it was January 2020 & I still hadn’t taken the photo yet! So, during an abnormally warm winter day, I made that photo happen (because, once I get an idea in my head – I just can’t get rid of it!)Of course, one thing […]
[…] This seemed the perfect time to take our annual swingset photo though (which, I always seem to take in January – go figure – why not in the summer? I have no idea). So, if you’d like to go back & see past versions of this same photo, you can do that here: #336, #281. […]