- First off – can we just talk about the insane weather we’ve had this week? We have literally experienced every single season over the course of the last few days – what a wild ride!
- Last Sunday, we woke up to about 2″ of snow on the ground. It was the best snow we’ve had all winter, so we promptly went out to play & built a snowman (seen in this week’s Abby’s Saturday photo). It was Leander’s first time out in the snow & I forgot how hilarious it is to dress a tiny person up in all of their snow-gear & then realize that it’s too much & they can’t walk! He did eventually figure out how to shuffle along a bit, but mostly it was just hilarious to stand back & watch. Thankfully, we went out first thing in the morning – because by lunch time, all of the snow had melted & was completely gone.
- Monday was our summer day – the high was somewhere in the mid-60’s & it was simply glorious. We played outside all afternoon & it was the best. It kind of ruined me for winter though – because now I’m just like, “Okay, done with the snow, let’s move on – I’m ready for spring!”
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday were our fall & spring days – lots of wind, lots of rain, lots of gloom. And then Friday – winter returned and we got about 5-6″ of snow!! What?! Where did that come from?! Braelynn has been loving it, she played outside for hours, then was outside again today – the cold & wet doesn’t bother her one bit – she loves the snow! The little girl who lives next door came over to play for a little bit yesterday afternoon & they built another snowman – it ended up looking more like a “snow pile” with a face & arms – but hey! For a 5 & 6 year old, they did a great job!
- This week has been – busy. And, it really wasn’t even that packed, it was just the fact that we had at least one thing on our calendar every single day (and some days there were 2-3 things). And after several weeks of really doing nothing but staying home, it felt like suddenly we were so busy!
- I photographed this amazing engagement session this morning! The bride is obsessed with cool architecture (specifically castle-esque architecture), so we went to Oakland to explore the Cathedral of Learning. This is going to make me sound really silly, but since I’ve never been to the Cathedral of Learning before, I had no idea that you could actually go inside – I thought it was just a cool looking building, filled with classrooms & offices. Spoiler alert – you can go inside! And it’s as incredible inside as it is outside! It literally looks like a building at Hogwarts (and it’s funny – I heard so many people compare it to Hogwarts while we were there!) Needless to say, I had such a fun morning – I have the best job!
- Braelynn attended her very first “big” birthday party this afternoon! I mentioned the little girl who lives next door above – and today was her birthday party! I took Braelynn while Derrick stayed home with Leander (it was his nap-time) and we had a blast! Cupcakes, painting, and a dance-party were all on the agenda & Braelynn had the best time.
- Speaking of birthday parties, I finally blogged images from Braelynn’s 5th birthday party on Tuesday – did you catch that post?
- We went to Target this week (one of those, “Oh, just grabbing a few things” trips that turns into, “Wait, I just spent $100?”) and as we were walking thru the jewelry section – Braelynn stopped me: “Mom! Mom! I want one of those!” I turned around, “One of what?” She pointed, “One of those clock bracelets! So I can tell the time!” (She wanted a watch – a “clock bracelet”.)
- Leander is feeling much better this week!! By Wednesday he was about 75% better (from his cough & bronchitis last week) and by Friday he was 100% better!
- Which was great news: because we got to babysit Alethea on Friday morning!! I just love seeing the 3 cousins (Braelynn, Leander, and Alethea) all together – they adore one another & it’s so much fun! Alethea calls Leander “Ander” and Leander calls Alethea “EEYAA” – it’s a riot! I can’t wait to see them grow up & be bestest buds!
- I finally got new sample wedding albums this week!! It’s almost a smidge embarrassing to admit, but my old sample albums were from weddings I photographed in 2015 – 5 whole years ago! I guess, that might be a good thing – I can show how beautiful my albums are after 5 years have gone by, and I can also show how my photography style is still fairly consistently the same after 5 years, but com’on! It was definitely time to upgrade & I am absolutely obsessed with the results!! Like, so obsessed that now I’m trying to figure out how everyone can get a wedding album! They are just so gorgeous!! I’ve always loved my wedding albums, but I feel like these are a step-above. I have a wedding meeting tomorrow & I am so excited to show off my new books!!
- SOOO, Derrick & I did something this week that was out of this world incredible. Here’s the trick though: we aren’t allowed to talk about it. As in, we both signed an NDA (non-disclosure-agreement) to keep all the details under-wraps for the time being. Omigoodness, it’s SUCH an exciting thing – it’s SO hard to keep it a secret!! I really wish I could say more, but I really can’t – you all will just have to wait & see what our secret it!!