- Today is my last wedding of 2020! Talk about the craziest wedding season of my life – I feel like everything was smashed together into the last few weeks (it mostly has) and I am SO looking forward to finally having some time to breathe again! Counting today, I will have photographed 8 weddings in the last 9 weeks – definitely the heaviest schedule I have ever had & it’s been exhausting. But it’s equally been so good. I have been blessed to photograph the most amazing brides & grooms & even though it’s meant lots of late late nights working my butt off to keep up with everything, I’m so incredibly thankful for every moment!
- Thursday night was Light Up Night in our little town! While every town around us canceled their usual Christmas-welcoming festivities, the Norwin community say, “No way!” and pressed on with their’s. It felt so good to do something so “normal” (even if it wasn’t quite 100% usual). The kids LOVED seeing the lights & the parade & it officially feels like Christmas now!
- After we got home from Light Up Night, we were putting the kids to bed and for whatever reason, Braelynn decided to hoist herself up onto the radiator in her bedroom to point to the time on her clock. Her hand slipped, and she came crashing down on top of the radiator – with her chin taking the brunt of the crash. She sliced her chin open pretty good – poor girl. She’s been a champ with it though & and was rewarded with some Toy Story bandaids yesterday when we ran to the store for a few things.
- I made the huge mistake of teaching Leander how to throw something in the trash a few weeks ago & now he thinks he should throw EVERYTHING in the trash can. Anytime I hand anything to him & ask him to do something with it: “Take this to Daddy”, “Put your plate in the sink”, “Put the block in the bin” – he automatically assumes it needs put in the trash & he trots off to throw it away. The hilarious part is: he’s super proud of himself too – he is convinced that he’s doing not only the right thing, but that he’s being a super helpful/good little boy by doing it! So, we’re working on that.
- We’ve had a few unseasonably warm days the last few days, and I think the ants are confused & think it’s spring! We only get ants in our house in the spring, and a little strategically placed cinnamon always takes care of them – but it’s November & they’ve suddenly decided to attempt an invasion again.
- Mom & I did more Christmas shopping this week! We hit the jackpot at Ollie’s in West Mifflin & I was able to cross a TON of people off of my Christmas list! Now, I’m pretty much down to the hardest people on my list: our parents. I just never know what to buy them! While we were out shopping, it started snowing!! Talk about putting you in the Christmas spirit! It was so much fun! (And then, 48 hours later, it was 60º+ outside & we were playing in the backyard without coats – if we all get sick in the next few days – that’s probably why.)
- My sister Ruby came over this week & we decorated our house for Leander’s birthday!! His birthday is still 2 weeks away, but with it being so close to Christmas, I knew we’d be taking all the decorations down as soon as his party is over in order to decorate for Christmas – so we decided to decorate earlier than usual – in an attempt to enjoy it a little more.
- Next week is Thanksgiving and the week after that is Leander’s birthday! I already feel like time is flying by super fast & furious – slow down, please!
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