- So, if today’s Abby’s Saturday photo looks familiar, it should! I have done “Starbucks red-cup” themed photos around Christmas (almost) every year now & of course, this year is no exception! (and this year, because I already had a red cup from Red Cup Day last year – I only had to visit Starbucks once for a 3rd cup!) If you’d like a stroll down memory lane, here are the other Starbucks Abby’s Saturday photos I’ve taken! #73, #174, #229, & #277
- Another week closer to Christmas! Does anyone else feel like Christmas is coming SO fast?! I mean, I’m ready for it! All of my gifts are bought & I believe, after yesterday’s mail came, I officially have received everything I ordered over Black Friday weekend! Now I just need to wrap it all (ugh, I hate wrapping). But, my goodness – it’s coming up fast. Derrick only has one full week of work left & then we’re into the holidays – I cannot wait!! Christmas this year is going to be so much fun – I got some GOOD gifts for people & I’m pumped to give them!! (If you can’t tell, I’m an Enneagram 1, so finding good gifts is my jam!)
- We’ve spent our last week pretty much laying low. All this talk of COVID cases going thru the roof (and more and more people we know personally being effected by it) just has us bedding down & staying home. I mean, we really weren’t doing anything anyways. But, let’s just put it this way: I ran to the grocery store today (I’ve been doing Instacart delivery grocery orders for the last month or so & it’s been delightful) but today I had the time & Derrick was home to watch the kids, so I went by myself. If you know me, you know I despise grocery shopping – I just hate it. But, I actually enjoyed getting out to go grocery shopping today – crazy, I know! It felt good to get away from everyone for 45 minutes & be by myself (amidst a store full of shoppers) & accomplish something. Don’t expect it to happen again though – I’m back to Instacart after this!
- So, I realized this week that Braelynn knows some of the movies we watch on a regular basis (mostly the Toy Story movies) so well, that she can recite portions of the movie to go along with the soundtrack. So, what I mean by that is: we were listening to the Toy Story soundtracks the other day (because silence in this house is forbidden) and she started reciting the lines from the movie – during the parts of the music we were listening to – and she was SPOT ON. It was hilarious!
- Did you know, if you hit “command + h” on a Mac, it will hide whatever window was active? I just found that out by accident – HA.
- Tuesday was my favorite day of the month – our monthly Tuesday’s Together meeting! Normally, for December, we host a GIANT Christmas party. I mean during our usual monthly meetings, we host anywhere from 5-10 people (on average), but for our Christmas party, we tend to host 25-30 people! It’s crazy & so much fun to catch up with everyone!! Unfortunately, due to “2020”, we have been having all virtual meetings & we had to have a “virtual” Christmas party. It was fine – Tiffany did an AMAZING job at pulling fun things for us to do together virtually, but it just wasn’t the same without a plate of delicious food in my hand, ya know? I miss my people!
- I officially finished out my 2020 wedding season this week! Every photo has been edited, every gallery has been delivered, every album has been designed & delivered – it feels SO good to have everything tied off & done. It feels amazing – but also SO weird! I have been working non-stop for the last 3 months with all the weddings I had smooshed into the end of the year & when Wednesday evening rolled around & I had nothing that actively needed done (I mean, there is always something to be done!) it just felt so strange! WONDERFUL, but so foreign, like, I must be forgetting something!! (In fact, that’s my current fear: that I’m missing something & someone is still waiting on me for something that I’ve completely forgotten about!)
- Omigoodness – Derrick and I rearranged our living room this week!!!!! Can you hear my excitement thru my exclamation points?!?! We have lived in this house for 5 years and our living room has been the same since the day we moved in. We have attempted to change things around before, but certain aspects of our living room make changing things incredibly difficult (our tv is mounted on the wall & that really can’t change, we have radiators on both sides of the room, plus we have 3 couches that take up a lot of space). We wrestled with the layout of the living room for hours last Sunday – even attempting to carry one of our couches upstairs (after about an hour of trying, we gave up – it just wouldn’t fit). And then, magically, we stumbled onto a new layout that we’d never tried before and GUESS WHAT?! IT WORKS MARVELOUSLY!! Omigoodness, I love it. It just makes so much more sense & feels so good!