- Last night, we drove up to Derrick’s parents house to surprise his Mom with a visit for her birthday! We planned the whole thing out with Derrick’s Dad & boy, did we surprise her good! It was a tough secret to keep (especially with a little girl who was so excited & desperately wanted to talk to her Nana – but we wouldn’t let her because we knew she’d spill the beans) but we pulled it off! I sure do love a good surprise!
- Leander has been talking more & more – he repeats more of what we say every day & equally jabbers nonsense all the time. He literally sounds like Boo from Monster’s Inc. A few weeks ago, he started responding, “Okay” when we would tell him to do something – but when he says it, it comes out sounding more like “ooooo-key” – it’s quite adorable. We’ve been practicing counting & he now can count to three (with a little help sometimes). It’s so much fun to see his little personality blooming & his desire to communicate with us growing!
- Speaking of Leander – he’s started singing! I remember when Braelynn started singing, but I don’t remember it being this adorable! Since Leander still isn’t speaking clear, fully sentences yet, he’s been singing, but it’s just a jumbled mess of sounds, but he’s clearly carrying a tune – it’s the best!
- One more Leander update: he’s been mixing up “thank you” and “your welcome” – so most of the time, he says the wrong phrase & it’s perfectly adorable.
- We had a “Thanksgiving fun day” over at my sister’s house this week! We went over & read Thanksgiving stories, talked about what we were thankful for, made a turkey craft, and ate snacks! Braelynn & Alethea had a blast – Leander made it about half-way before being too distracted to sit & Layla took a nap. It was a lot of fun!
- My Mom & I took Wednesday afternoon & went out to do a little Christmas shopping! We found a bunch of good stuff – I need to inventory what I have so I know what I’m missing & what I still need to find for people!
While out shopping, I pulled the trigger on something I’ve been wanting for a while: matching Christmas pajamas! I know, it’s kind of silly, but I wanted it & found them at a good price, so I got them. (In other words, stay tuned for fun photos of that!)
Next on my list of things I want to get for Christmas is really nice, high-quality personalized stockings (but they’re pretty expensive, so I’m waiting to see what Black Friday sales happen & we’ll see.) - We had a string of absolutely gorgeous, warm weather last week into the beginning of this week & we soaked up every single moment of being outside that we could! Derrick even put our Christmas lights up outside & it was so much more enjoyable to do when it was 70º than in the 30’s! We said we weren’t going to turn them on until after Thanksgiving, but somehow they’ve been turned on every night – oh well, a little extra Christmas cheer wouldn’t hurt anyone.