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Abby’s Saturday // Three Hundred And Thirty-Three

Abbys Saturday Kids Running Around Black Lab in Irwin PA
  • Life sure is a blur, isn’t it?
  • This was a BIG week for Braelynn!
    A few months ago, when we went to the dentist for our regular cleanings – the dentist told Braelynn that she had 4 loose teeth! Her two middle bottom teeth & two middle top teeth were all wiggly! Of course – this set Braelynn into a frenzy of wiggling & trying to get those teeth out & on Wednesday morning – she did it! She officially pulled her very first tooth out. I could hardly believe it! I remember being a little wigged out over pulling my first tooth out & not wanting to actually do it, so I just assumed Braelynn would be the same, but NOPE. Out it came – no problem at all!
    And boy, do I just love her new smile. What I don’t love is the fact that her new, one-tooth-missing smile, makes her suddenly look so much older! She is going to be 6 years old in just a few days & I can’t handle it.
    The tooth fairy brought her a Kinetic Sand treasure chest & some money – and now she’s dying to pull those other 3 super loose teeth out!
  • Leander decided to add a new trick to his bag-o-tricks this week – he now pretends that he’s a puppy & will LICK you! He gets this silly little look on his face, will put both hands on my cheeks, and then stick his tongue out & slurp up my face. It’s hilarious (and a bit gross).
  • We successfully introduced the kids to a NEW Pixar movie this week (a set of two actually) – Finding Nemo. We almost always eat pizza on Sunday nights & we like to watch a movie while we eat (it’s quickly becoming a tradition in the Abbey house). We were looking for something new to watch last Sunday evening & decided to try out Finding Dory (we figured it was a little less scary than Finding Nemo). The kids loved it & have since become big fans of both Finding Nemo & Finding Dory. I don’t think it’ll quite rise to the “favorite” status where Toy Story lives – but it’s nice to have a little variety now!
  • This past week was the TEN YEAR anniversary of the day we met & adopted our Abby!! It’s so crazy to think that we’ve had our sweet pup for 10 whole years now.
    She’s gone from being a complete spaz (and chewing up everything) to a gentle, easy-going member of our family. She’s moved across the state with us, lived in a total of 4 different houses, and helped to happily welcome both Braelynn & Leander into our family. I’m so thankful we decided to give the crazy puppy a chance 10 years ago – because I truly can’t imagine life without her.
  • I posted my annual behind-the-scenes blog post this week, did you see it?
  • So, Derrick & I started playing around with Instagram Reels & TikTok this week. I know, I know, I said I’d never do it – but it’s not for me – it’s for Derrick. We discovered that short-form video (which is essentially what Reels & TikTok are) has a gigantic hole – there are pretty much NO roller coaster accounts! So, we decided we need to get in on that. It’s been a TON of fun – a learning curve for sure – but we’ve had a lot of fun brainstorming ideas & creating little videos! And, we’ve had some moderate success so far! Our first Reel has been viewed over 6k times (what?!) – so that was a fantastic boost (we hardly thought anyone would view it as it was our first one!)
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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