- Abby started helping out in the XscreamThrills studio last winter & she’s at it again – helping Derrick record the voiceovers for his new YouTube videos.
- BIG NEWS of the week! Braelynn lost her third tooth! It’s been SO wiggly for days & we seriously thought she was going to pull it out on Sunday – or Monday at the latest – but it didn’t come out until Wednesday! She pulled it out in the car as we were driving to go pick up Derrick’s car from getting inspected. She was quite proud of herself & held onto that tooth very tightly so it wouldn’t get lost in the car or in the snow on the way into the house. It got set on the kitchen counter (is that gross?), but she kept coming into the kitchen to snag it & carry it around. I warned her: You need to leave your tooth alone or you’re going to lose it!
Fast forward to bedtime – as she was getting out of the bathtub, she asked me if I’d get her tooth from downstairs on the counter, so she could put it under her pillow. I went down to grab it & it wasn’t there. I came back up & delivered the news, asking where she had taken it. “Oh, I brought it upstairs,” she responded. But that was as far as we got – she couldn’t remember what she had done with it. Derrick & I helped her look for 30 minutes – scouring every inch of her bedroom & the bathroom (the only 2 rooms she’d been in), eventually branching out to search the steps, the living room, and the kitchen.
It was gone.
She was so upset – making us promise that we’d continue looking for it in the morning & that we wouldn’t run the vacuum cleaner until we found it. I had zero faith that we would ever find the missing tooth – it was so tiny!!
We did look the next day, but still had no luck.
That is, until after dinner, when Derrick was doing the dishes, the tooth “appeared” on the counter next to the sink. He describes it as: “God dropped it there,” because – we literally have no other explanation for it. I had done dishes earlier in the day & hadn’t seen it. I had prepared 3 meals in that kitchen without seeing it. I had even unloaded & loaded the dishwasher without seeing it. Needless to say: if her tooth had been on the counter all along, I definitely should have come across it!
Braelynn was elated that she was able to put her tooth under her pillow Thursday night. And thankfully, the tooth fairy didn’t mind her day-old tooth & still took it, leaving some money behind.
What a story, eh?! - This has been the week of snow! A snowstorm blew thru on Sunday, with another 2″ of snow falling Monday, and another inch falling Tuesday! Braelynn has been in snow-heaven! Even Leander has gotten over his severe scorn of the snow & has spent some time out playing in it! We had Alethea & Layla over on Monday to play (and we built a huge snowman with them!) and then on Tuesday, we went over to my Mom’s & played in her backyard with Auntie Ruby! And we still have snow – it hasn’t melted yet!
- One night this week, after the kids had gone to bed – I was sitting at my desk, working, when I suddenly hear, “Thanks so much, have a wonderful night,” broadcasted loud & clear from my dark living room. To say I had a mild heart-attack would be putting it delicately. I got up to investigate & it came from Braelynn’s walkie-talkies. One of them had been left on & had picked up some signal, somewhere, of someone talking! Needless to say: I now make sure they are turned OFF at all times.
- I had my very first “official” photo session of the year this week! YAY I drove out to Ohiopyle on Thursday afternoon to meet up with one of my spring brides & grooms for some engagement photos! Ohiopyle is an absolutely gorgeous location for photos & I’ve been there several times before (here, here, here), but never in the snow!! It was so beautiful & peaceful with the snow covering everything. Of course, all I could think about was that one time I was at Ohiopyle & fell. And with everything covered in 6+ inches of snow, all I could think about was assuming that I was stepping in a safe, sturdy, level spot, but actually sinking thru the snow into a hole or ice. Yikes. Needless to say, I moved much slower than usual & utilized a lens I rarely use to shoot sessions with (my 24-70mm for those of you who are curious). It was so much fun though & so gorgeous – and my couple was so adventurous & so in love! We had a fantastic time & it was an amazing way to kick off my 2021 season!
you weren’t the only one remembering the time you fell, I was praying for safety when you told me you were going there, it’s a mom thing!
[…] teeth gone, she now speaks with a little bit of a lisp at times – it’s so cute! Thankfully, this tooth did not get lost & the tooth fairy was able to come that night – let’s just say: Braelynn now has more money […]