serving the Pittsburgh, PA area



Abby’s Saturday // Three Hundred And Sixty-One

Abbys Saturday Black Lab in Back Yard in Irwin PA
  • I have been looking forward to this weekend for a long long time. It is the first weekend since April 1st that we are home AND I do not have a wedding or session to go shoot. We have absolutely zero plans for this weekend & so far, it has been magical. We have been running at a break-neck pace all summer long – and that’s great! I’ll never complain about it. We’ve had a ton of fun – but a little time “off” is good for the soul too. So, we’re doing some little projects around the house, cleaning up, playing with the kids, taking naps, ordering takeout, and resting.
  • Braelynn got her first “real” bee sting this week. She got “sort-of” stung by a bee back when I took this Abby’s Saturday photo, but this week she got full on stinger-in-her-finger-bee-sting. Thankfully, we were able to pull it out super easy (thanks to the handy-dandy “Bug Bite Thing” – seriously, if you don’t have one of these, you MUST buy one – they are amazing for mosquito bites & bee stings!) and lots of tears, some ice, and tons of snuggles later & she was good as new.
  • This week was haircut week & wow did my boys need haircuts! Leander’s hair was so long it was literally in his eyes. I could have pulled his hair back into a ponytail – it was so long. He still isn’t the biggest fan of having his haircut (mostly just the sitting still part), but he did much better this time than last time & he walked away about 5 pounds lighter than he went in (okay, not really, but she cut a TON of hair off). He suddenly looks like a little man now & as much as I really love it, I’m just in denial over how big he is.
  • Last weekend we were at the Lake – and Saturday morning, we took the kids swimming. Storms were forecasted to roll in that afternoon, so we figured we’d get some swimming in early. As we waded into the water, I asked Braelynn how the water was feeling & she responded: “Toasty as a chicken nugget.”
  • Speaking of Braelynn: she has always been a very crafty little girl – obsessed with markers & drawings & creations – and lately she’s been captivated by cutting up tiny pieces of paper & creating tiny food. She adds tons of detail, including layers of different colors & intricate textures with her markers.
    That’s most of the time: every once in a while though, I simply catch her cutting up confetti.
    On Wednesday, I asked her why she had to cut so much paper up into so many tiny pieces and she looked at me & said: “Mom, it’s art – you don’t know anything about art.”
    The next day, we were talking & she told me that she was an artist. I agreed & she asked if I was an artist too. I said that I was. To which she responded: “Yeah Mom, but do people ever buy your pictures?” And I said: “Yes, they do! People pay me to make pictures for them at every wedding I photograph.”
    So, maybe I do know something about art after all.
  • Leander is an artist too & he decided to flex his littler artist-muscles this week. Me taking a shower is part of our normal, morning routine & for the most part, the kids are really good while I’m in the shower.
    That is, except for Tuesday.
    On Tuesday morning, I came downstairs to find Leander with a black marker in his hand. I quickly discovered that not only had he doodled all over his face & arms & belly, but he’d drawn lines on every couch cushion & pillow + the ottoman + Braelynn’s baby doll + a few of his toys.
    Enter Folex – do you know what Folex is?! If you don’t, you simply MUST go buy this magical stuff right now. It is literally magic – there are no other words to describe it. A few little sprays, a little bit of wiping, and PRESTO – the marker was gone (on my microfiber couch anyways, the other couches are a different material & they take a bit more work).
  • Yesterday we went to Round Hill Park with my sister & her girls and we had so much fun! The kids played at the splash pad, we had a picnic lunch, we toured the farm & saw the animals – it’s such a fun, unique little place to go!
  • On Monday, I officially dropped off, to our school district, our paperwork to declare that we are officially homeschooling Braelynn this year. PA’s homeschool law just changed – up to this point, I would have not had to report her until she was 8 years old, but a few months ago, they dropped the age down to 6. So, here we go! Officially official! First grade, here we come (in a week or two, Mama’s not quite ready to jump back into school quite yet).
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Hi Im Kara Abbey a Wedding Photographer in Irwin PA

Hi! I'm Kara!

Welcome to my blog!

I am a full time engagement & wedding photographer based in Irwin, PA & I love to write!


I blog about 3 main topics:

•the beautiful love stories that I capture with my camera

•our adventures visiting different amusement parks for my husband's YouTube channel

•and the every day, crazy life as a family of 4.


I'm so thankful you've found your way here!

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