- Happy Halloween weekend – from our Toy Story crew! Namely, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie the Cowgirl, and – Abby in a cowboy hat (HAHA).
So, funny story: last year – Leander was a dragon & he loved his costume the first time he put it on (it was so cute!) But then, something happened & he hated his costume every time we put it on after that first time. He completely refused to wear the hood (to complete the dragon look) when I took pictures of the kids – it was a bit of a mess. (But I mean, what can one expect of a 1-year-old?)
THIS year though, Leander is obsessed with his costume & he’s been wearing it all the time. He & Braelynn have been obsessed with Toy Story since last year about this time & I distinctly remember thinking: Wow, I hope they still love Toy Story next year because those would be adorable costumes! And here we are!
Just in case you’re curious: I got both the Buzz Lightyear costume & the Jessie costume at consignment sales (and I’m pretty sure I paid around $11 for both of them!! Leander’s costume came with gloves & a purple head-wrap-hat-thing, but the gloves are way too big for him & Braelynn’s been wearing the hat-thing around!) - If you’d like a stroll down memory lane & what we’ve done in the past for Halloween – you see those posts here: #271, #223, #171, #119, #68, Braelynn as Snow White
- Anyways – see those pumpkins in today’s photo? They don’t look like that anymore! We carved them this week! Derrick & Leander carved a face into their pumpkin and Braelynn & I carved a paw print into ours. I won’t lie: I’m actually pretty impressed with how our pumpkin turned out! They look good!
- On Monday night (right after we finished carving pumpkins actually!) Braelynn lost her fifth tooth! She’s had 2 loose teeth for the last few weeks – but she & Leander were playing & I guess she chomped down on his shirt (it wasn’t malicious, I promise, they were pretending they were dogs) & he pulled away from her – which gave her tooth a really good yank. A few wiggles later & she pulled it right out!
- Derrick put our Christmas lights up outside this week!! Don’t worry (for all you holiday “pure-ists” out there) we aren’t turning them on yet. We always say that we should put our lights up outside while it’s still warm out & this year – we actually did it!! Derrick went thru our lights & tossed a bunch of them, so we put up almost every strand we had outside & then I stopped at Target yesterday & got (shhhhhh) 900 more lights. They’re for inside & the Christmas tree – we really like Christmas lights, okay?! Judgment free zone. Don’t worry, we haven’t put up our Christmas tree yet, but it’s coming soon (last year, we already had our tree up by Halloween, so technically we’re late this year).
Trust me: with the weather starting to get crummy & the days getting shorter – it’s delightful to put up Christmas lights all over the house. Don’t believe me? Well, don’t knock it till you try it is all I can say. - I finally went & got my drivers license renewed yesterday. BLAH. Don’t tell anyone, but my license expired on my birthday (2 weeks ago). But, it’s fine, because I got it done yesterday.
Believe it or not, I went at noon on a Friday & I was in & out in less than 8 minutes!! I KNOW – I hardly believe it myself!! I walked in, walked right up to get my picture taken, they printed my license & said, “Have a great day.” It was the best, fastest experience I have ever had at the DMV! - Last Saturday began my four-wedding-weekend-streak to end out my 2021 wedding season – so today is wedding #2! (Did you see wedding #1? Casey & Andrew’s wedding was SO gorgeous!) I’m down in the city today for an untraditional, “goth-glam” wedding (tomorrow is Halloween, after all). I can’t wait to see what Liv & Erick have planned for their day! It’s going to be out of the box & I’m excited!
- It’s officially “give the dog a bath every time she goes outside” season – our yard is a swamp – I hate this time of year.
[…] down memory lane & what we’ve done in the past for Halloween – you see those posts here: #375, #323, #271, #223, #171, #119, #68, & Baby Braelynn as Snow […]