- It’s been an “interesting” week in the Abbey house.
It’s also been a very boring & un-noteworthy week in the Abbey house.
Mostly because, I’m pretty sure that I’ve had COVID-19 all week.
Now, before you go off panicking, let me ease your anxiety: I’m fine – we’re all fine.
I’m a fairly healthy person (who exercises 3-5 times a week & does my best to eat well), so for me – I’ve simply experienced “mild” symptoms. Mostly I’ve felt like I’ve had a really bad sinus infection all week – I’ve got a cough, have been super tired, and have lost my sense of smell & some of my taste (these are definitely the strangest & worst symptoms). Pretty much: I’ve just felt really run down.
Derrick has come thru completely fine & hasn’t shown a single symptom. And the same goes for the kids – they are as full of energy as ever.
My symptoms started on Sunday – seemed to be at their worst on Wednesday – and here we are at Saturday & I feel like I’m on the mend. I’m still tired & need to get some of my strength & energy back (after mostly just laying on the couch all week), but I feel like I’m on the upswing.
Unfortunately, I can’t say for 100% certain that I’ve had COVID (this is the super frustrating part): I did go get myself tested on Monday morning – I went to Rite Aid & did their drive thru test & I was supposed to have my results in 2-5 days. Well – I still haven’t heard anything, so this morning I decided to do a little digging to see if I could figure out where my results ended up. I finally figured out how to log into my account & at the very top of the page it says (in big bold letters): “Your test appointment has been marked as missed.” Yeah. So, apparently they either lost my test or tossed it in the trash – who knows. Maybe the lab tech got to my vial & said, “Ehh, I really don’t feel like processing any more of these today, mark this one as ‘missed’.” Who knows.
My gut instinct says that I’ve had COVID tho’, so we’ll go with that. I mean, I’ve had all the traditional symptoms (if I hadn’t lost my sense of smell, I’d wonder, but that to me makes things pretty obvious). - It’s so funny to think about though: rewind back to March & April of 2020 & we were all so terrified of COVID & getting sick. I distinctly remember pacing around my kitchen, listening to a doctor talk & him saying: “It’s not a matter of if you get COVID, but when.” And me realizing right then & there that it was simply a matter of time. Fast forward thru (almost) 2 complete wedding seasons, traveling up & down the East Coast, and being around millions of people at amusement parks – and it finally found me. FINALLY.
- Thankfully, it found me at a really good time – I don’t have another wedding to photograph until the middle of October. I did have mini sessions scheduled for this weekend – but mini sessions are WAY easier to reschedule than a wedding – so I’m extremely thankful. (That’s been my biggest fear all along was that I’d get sick & wouldn’t be able to photograph a whole string of weddings – that thought just breaks my heart.)
- So, yes – it’s been a boring, dull week. I’ve watched (almost) all of the Harry Potter movies (I’ll finish the series tonight/tomorrow).
- PS: Yes – this photo is a recreation of an oldie but goodie: Abby’s Saturday #169 (way back from 2017!) Want a pumpkin of your own that will never rot away? Go get one from Kennedy’s Kreations – her Etsy shop here!