- How do you like our brand new, fancy blue wall? It looks SO luxurious (am I allowed to use that word in regards to my lick-and-stick-put-together house?). But, something about it & the warm tones of the wood just makes it feel fantastic. I absolutely love it! (It still needs touched up – that’s my job after Derrick did the “big” part of the painting, I’ll get around to it – someday.)
- Unfortunately, this week I shared my cold with both Leander & Braelynn. I came down with it (mysteriously, I still can’t figure out where I got it) last Wednesday. Leander got it on Saturday, and Braelynn got it on Monday. Thankfully, Derrick never got it (that man must have an immune system of iron – he never gets sick!).
Thankfully, I’m about 98% better, Leander is about 60% better, and Braelynn is about 50% better. So, we’re recuperating! We’ve passed the “I just want to lie on the couch & watch TV” phase & are firmly in the “I’m angry that my nose is still running” phase. - I fixed my logo at the bottom of my images – why it took me this long to realize it was messed up, I have no idea. Apparently, my brain just isn’t firing on all cylinders.
- I also fixed the font on my blog! What do you think? Is this font so much easier to read, or what?! (I don’t know what I was thinking with that small serif font.)
- Braelynn went into “crazy decorator” mode yesterday & decided to plaster the walls of our living room, dining room, and hallway with artwork. She created a huge rainbow & sunshine, an entire night sky & constellation of stars, hearts, strawberries – it was quite elaborate (she used an entire brand new roll of tape to stick everything up).
- I FINISHED our 2021 Family Yearbook!! It’s always such a huge long task that takes up weeks of my time to pull together (obviously I spread the task out over “weeks” – if I sat down & tried to do it all at once, I could probably knock it out in a weekend). My goal is always to have it done and ordered by March – last year & the year before, I ordered my books on March 17 & March 19 – but this year, I ordered it on February 19 – a whole month “early”! It feels SO GOOD to be done with that monumental task and now I just have to wait for it to be printed & shipped to me.
- Another week of the “is it spring or is it winter” game. On Monday, we spent almost the entire day outside (soaking up all of that fresh air & Vitamin D!) We went for a walk, cleaned up the yard, drew with chalk, cleaned up the porch, the kids ran about 469 laps around the yard – it was so good. Annnddd then yesterday it snowed again. (No wonder we’ve all been sick!)
- Next Saturday is my sister’s baby shower! That means this week has been all about gathering RSVP’s, finalizing the catering, creating the games, finishing pulling the decorations together – I’m having so much fun with all of this (especially since we didn’t get to throw her a “normal” bridal shower!)
- I started a series of “taking videos on vacation” tips over on my new Instagram account – have you seen them? I have at least 20 tips brainstormed up and I’ve been filming a few each day. Every day gets easier & more fun – I can’t wait for you all to see the latest tips I’ve created!
- It’s been the world’s longest week. Not because we were sick and not because we had nothing to do – nope. Because today is a very very very special & exciting day! I don’t want to ruin it, but I’ll share more next week!! (Let’s just say, Derrick & I have been anticipating today for weeks & we have been bursting with excitement all week long!!)