- Happy April!
Derrick & I were talking about it last night – usually the first few months of the year are so slow (not much traveling, no roller coasters, it’s cold & icky), but for some reason, the first few months of 2022 have flown by. (Is that a sign of us getting old?) - Yesterday was April Fool’s Day and I got Braelynn and Leander SO good. I saw a “snake in a can” advertised on Amazon earlier in the week, and normally I would never buy something like that, but for some reason, I decided to order it. I knew it would make a fun joke that my kids would love!
So yesterday, after lunch, I sat them down on the couch and told them I had a surprise for them. Braelynn knows what Pringles are, so she instantly cheered because I had handed her a can of “chips”. The lid is tight, so it took a little bit of work to get it off, but as soon as it opened and the snake flew out – omigoodness, I’m still laughing at their reactions!!
Of course, they had to do it again and again – laughing harder each time. Then, they had to give the can to Derrick when he got home. And then they gave it to my Dad last night at dinner.
Needless to say: I think I officially got my $7 entertainment out of the prank!! - Speaking of pranks, earlier in the week, Braelynn got me super good. She’s been really into hiding and popping out to scare people recently. On Tuesday morning, I was upstairs exercising and she woke up to come sit with me. She knew I was just about done and asked if Leander’s light had turned green yet, I responded that it would be turning green in about 2 minutes. With that, she scampered off downstairs. I assumed she just went to play in her bedroom.
A few minutes later, I came down, walked into Leander’s dark bedroom, turned off his sound machine, turned on the light, and that’s when Braelynn popped out and scared the living daylights out of me.
She had hidden in Leander’s bed, under his blanket!
Of course, they both thought this was absolutely hilarious and laughed about it all day long.
(In other words, I didn’t feel bad at all to hand them a fake can of chips!) - Other than the pranks – poor Braelynn had a weird virus/stomach bug this week. She began to feel not so great on Tuesday around lunch, and by dinner she was fevered and planted on the couch. Her fever hovered around 99º for about 36 hours before it finally broke. She threw up twice (right at the very beginning and right at the very end – it was strange).
So, it’s been a quiet week. We waited all week for someone else to get it (Leander), but so far, he’s been perfectly healthy, and so has everyone else. Hopefully it stays that way!
Needless to say, we watched tons of Lion King this week (the kid’s current movie obsession). - For the last 2 weeks, my siblings and I have been planning to surprise my Mom for her birthday (which was Wednesday). We planned dinner & dessert at my house, but with Braelynn being sick (and me fully expecting Leander to come down with the same bug), we moved the location over to my parent’s house. I was so sad – after all, I had initiated the entire idea and now I wasn’t going to be able to participate (kids ruin everything). But, when Braelynn turned the corner Thursday morning and Leander remained healthy – we were able to still participate!
So, we randomly all showed up at my parent’s door last night, armed with food and desserts – it was a fantastic surprise! It’s rare that we are all together, so it was just so delightful.
We surprised my sister Ellen with a special cake too – her birthday is today! - Our living room couches are old (we estimate that they’re at least 25 years old). They were given to my sister by someone she used to babysit for, and she gave them to us. They’re comfortable and great, but they’re worn. Several of the cushions have small rips, but up to this week, we’ve been able to keep those cushions ripped-side-down and still made it work.
Until this week.
Abby decided to hop up onto the couch and rub her back (and claws) along the cushion and she pushed just a little too hard. And suddenly – my cushion went from being ripped on one side (but it’s okay, because we just put that side down), to being ripped on both sides.
No bueno.
We’ve talked about buying nice new couches, but didn’t really want to make that investment quite yet. The kids are still too young and our couches are covered in food, drink, and marker stains (did I mention that kids ruin everything?) So, we figure, why invest in nice new couches, when we’ll just constantly be going crazy trying to keep them nice?
So, in an effort to make these couches last at least a little while longer, I got slipcovers!
Now, I know what you’re thinking: slipcovers are the worst (they are). But, because of the style of our couches, “normal” slipcovers wouldn’t work. So, I ordered these & so far, they’re working out great! They make our couches look new, hide all the stains and rips – 100% worth the $50 “bandaid”. - I hit a fun milestone this week – on Friday I took my 300th cycling class in the Peloton app, and at the same time hit 600 classes overall! (If you’ve never heard me talk about my Peloton “dupe”, I wrote a big post about it here & here).
- Braelynn is super obsessed over Easter coming up and asks every day how many more days it is until Easter! 2 weeks to go!