- Happy Easter weekend!
I’ll be honest: things aren’t so hot in the Abbey house this weekend. (Since I primarily write these posts for myself, as a record of my own memories, I’m just going to be honest here.) It’s Easter weekend and we had a lot of fun things planned: Easter dinner with my sisters, egg hunts, dessert Sunday night with my family, oh and today is Kennywood’s opening day and unfortunately, all of our plans are changing (literally as I type this) because our kids are sick. Correction: Leander is sick (so far, Braelynn seems to be fine). In other words: Derrick & Braelynn will be going to Kennywood today, and I’ll be staying home with Leander (after all, I’ve practiced and I’m really good at staying behind while other’s go to amusement parks), I’m still not sure what’s going to happen to lunch tomorrow, but we (most likely) won’t be going to church or over to my parent’s tomorrow night. It’s all just peachy. Sick kids are the worst (and Leander has a good habit of being sick on Easter). So, forgive me, but I’m feeling pretty cynical and sad this morning. I feel like we’ve missed out on so many holidays and parties and events because our kids are sick (and our kids are rarely sick! They are just really good at getting sick at the perfect times I guess.)
So, if you need me this weekend, I’ll probably be laying on the couch with Leander, watching Spidey and His Amazing Friends and Lion King.
If you’d like a trip down memory lane, you can go back & see past Abby’s Saturday Easter posts here: #89, #143, #193, #294, & #345 - So, before Leander came down with a horrible cold & cough, we were having a great, busy week! Tuesday was our monthly “Tuesdays Together” meeting (which, is no longer called “Tuesdays Together” – it’ll be a while before I break that title in my head though, I’ve been calling it that for years!) This month was particularly exciting and noteworthy because for the first time in two long years, we were able to officially meet in person!! As a branch of the Rising Tide Society, our group has been in “virtual mode” since March 2020. And while that was “fun” and different and understandable at first, after about a year we all started to really be over the virtual meetings. Needless to say: it’s been a LONG road to get here, but we’ve finally reached the end of the tunnel!! With the official re-launch of in-person meetings, the Rising Tide has re-branded a few things, including our meetings: we are no longer Tuesdays Together, but simply “Rising Tide”. This makes sense because they’re giving us a lot more freedom in tailoring our meetings to what our members need – and that includes not having to meet on Tuesdays!
In case you are like, “But Kara, what the heck is the Rising Tide Society?” We’re a group for small businesses and entrepreneurs! We meet once a month to encourage and uplift one another, discuss a business topic, and create friendships a long the way. - Wednesday morning is when Leander woke up super sick (I was expecting it though – he slept awful Tuesday night – and if you know Leander, he’s a champion sleeper, so I knew something was wrong). So, unfortunately that means he missed out on the egg hunt & fun at church that night. Braelynn & I are the only ones who usually go to church on Wednesday nights, but Derrick & Leander were set to join us this week since it was a special Easter service and activities for the kids. I think Braelynn was more upset than Leander that he didn’t get to come! She had a blast though!
- I ordered one of these this week and WOW is it nice! Sunday night is “pizza night” in our house and we’ve been really honing in and perfecting our pizza making skills. That includes, no longer using pre-shredded cheese, but shredding our own (it melts and tastes so much better!) My current cheese grater was fine, but took an annoyingly long amount of time – so I ordered this and it’s amazing!! So smooth, so fast, so efficient!
- On Thursday night, my sister Ellen and I did a photoshoot together. We haven’t shot together in forever and I miss it so much!! She used to be my regular second shooter at weddings and I trust her implicitly – but life has changed and she doesn’t second shoot weddings as much any more (kids change everything). Anyways, we had a very special shoot together Thursday night that was kinda-sorta a secret. We promised we wouldn’t share any of the details or photos until next month – so you’ll just have to wait and see what we were up to!
- Derrick & I FINALLY watched the new Spiderman movie last night – wow. All I can say is wow. That’s the best movie I’ve seen in a long time!
- Well, we are officially less than one week away from our Florida vacation. (And obviously, all of this sickness has me (slightly, okay a-lot-ly) concerned!) If we have to sacrifice our entire Easter weekend to staying home and getting better, so that we have a wonderful, healthy vacation next week, I guess that’s a price I’m wiling to pay. We’ve been brainstorming and trying to think of everything we need – so this week we’ve ordered ears, autograph books, autograph pens, snack for the car (these are our favorites!), and I ordered myself new shoes (after walking parks for 2 years, my old shoes have literally zero tread! I wore them to Universal a few weeks ago and came SO close to slipping and falling SO many times, it was bad.) We even bought a new stroller, but we haven’t taken it out of the box yet because I’m hoping I can buy a used version of the same stroller at the Just Between Friends Sale (which is this week!!) There are always hundreds of strollers there, and if I can snag a used one for half the price, that’s what I want to do! However, in the slim chance that they don’t have one that I like (or for a good price), we bought a new one to take. It’s smaller than our original double-stroller and folds up more compact (which is why we bought it) – our original double-stroller barely fits in our car as it is! Add luggage into the mix and things get super tight.
Needless to say: we’re all very excited and praying very hard that everyone gets healthy and stays that way!!